I bought a bass guitar

Bass is great to start on, I had a dodgey bass but when you cant play you dont care, just buy a better one when you feel the time is right. I found the bass great to jam solo and write with.

Once I started a group with 2 bassists and a drummer, called ourselves The Mutilated Children, it was grindcore/crossover style death; heavily influenced by Cryptic Slaughter, DRI, Saw Throat, Atrocity (US), Righteous Pigs and Doom. Sadly,we never made it out of the rehearsal rooms and I lost contact with the guy who kept the rehearsal tapes. To complete this tragic story that is just another drama in my ill fated music career I sold both my (good & bad) guitars.:waah:

Back to your band which may prove to be my gateway to riches - I could write you some lyrics on the following subjects love, hate, death, depression or they could be completely moronic or of comedic nature or all of the above!

Haven't been playing it much, suddenly felt the urge to finally learn how to play my six-string first, so I did what Vai, Blackmore, Hendrix and Page all did when they started off, and bought "Guitars for Dummies". Good book.

I'll get to the bass soonish. :)