I can't be the only one...

I'm thinking it looks like something in the same general area... but generally only on females. And without much in the way of "lawn maintenance." :)

The artwork is about as terrible as I expect the album to be, but I freely admit I will probably never verify that, as I won't bother listening to it.

ROFL!!! LOL!!!
It took me quite 3 minutes to understand the real meaning of this 'art'work. I mean: Death Magnet, iron fragments surrounding it...
I think it's an asshole!
And the creator of this shit needs to be buried into it. Haha. Who did this? A 5 years old? Part of a Gimp tutorial?

Whoever made that artwork should be lynched in a public location. I'm sorry, but a normal album artwork is supposed to be either:
- Enticing (something along the lines of Unia's cover)
- Nice (Pyramaze's Immortal. By far. And that's not a suck-up)
- Powerful (Helloween's KOTSK Legacy)
- Appealing (no, not The bonecarver. I'd be tempted to say Just a little sign single, by Helloween. Even though, frankly, the song was shit)

Now, even if you are not slightly...skewered in your thinking, you'd still think that at first sight, this is an obscene innuendo.
Plus, if this was in a physics-related thing, I'd even add that it's total BS, with all due respect.

For the music, I haven't seen Metallica produce anything good recently, so.... I don't even think I'll listen to samples.
I don't think it's that bad...
More like a variation of the "Master of Puppets" album cover...


If only the new album is anywhere near as good remains to be seen...

Metallica had to know that this cover was going to get slammed! "Atleast people will be talkin about us...good or bad-its publicity".

personally, I wouldn't have let it seen the light of day.

This is the ONLY Metallica I will ever listen to, the rest of it sucks.
...me too.

As much as I shit on this band and think they have done squat since the 'Black album'. I really hope this new release is worthy and good.
These guys used to kick so much ass. What happenned? Still there's always a glimmer of hope with each new album. Of course that usually ends in disappointment and anger. I wont buy this one, but I might download it...
i am worried about the music sucking more than that cover.
I don't think it's something you need to worry about... the music will most certainly suck. And to be perfectly honest, if they recorded Ride the Lightning II I don't think I'd much care. The band pretty much sickens me. I don't think I can forgive past transgressions and listen to them regardless of what they put out. However, all of that is somewhat irrelevant. The new disc will suck. Great Metal is not created by millionaires who are banging supermodels. With very few exceptions, great Metal is created by struggling artists.

I don't think it's something you need to worry about... the music will most certainly suck. And to be perfectly honest, if they recorded Ride the Lightning II I don't think I'd much care. The band pretty much sickens me. I don't think I can forgive past transgressions and listen to them regardless of what they put out. However, all of that is somewhat irrelevant. The new disc will suck. Great Metal is not created by millionaires who are banging supermodels. With very few exceptions, great Metal is created by struggling artists.


I agree Zod! Real metal dudes have ugly girlfriends!! HAHA
I agree Zod! Real metal dudes have ugly girlfriends!! HAHA

I think Metal music is created by people who have some internal sense of anger, frustration, conflict, etc. It's hard to be pissed at world when you're sleeping with a super model and driving a Ferrari. Although, unfortunately, I can't verify that from firsthand experience. :loco:

Hey... I just noticed under your avatar, it says you're from NY? How come we never see you at any of the NY shows?
