I didn't think Chris was still in Nevermore


Guitar God
Aug 28, 2004
so I was watching Nevermore at Bloodstock at the weekend and I thought Steve Smyth was back with them, but then I saw ENGLs and then Chris and I was over the moon

so what's happening with Steve Smyth and Nevermore, because I thought he had the kidney transplant

ps Chris if you read this I was the drunk bold twat going, "CHRIS!!!" and "PLAY SOME JAZZ!!!", sorry about that I was wasted on cider and whiskey :)

pss I got to meet Andy Sneap!!! :)
Chris is a live session member. That's all that's known in the public, besides the fact that Steve played a show with his former Black Sabbath tribute band a few months ago, and will be playing with Uli in the next day or so in LA (about a 6 hour drive?) from San Fran, so his kidney must be feeling fine.

If you check out the Nevermore and Smyth forums, there's mass confusion with no answers. Who knows!

All I know is that Chris is an awesome player and a cool dude, so he'll do fine.