learning nevermore songs on guitar

Sexi Alexi 94

Oct 10, 2006
hey i posted this on the nevermore board but nobody ever answers so,

i was playing my brother's guitar and he showed me how to play the start of no more will . it was pretty cool, then i was like can you show me how to play born, and he's like :lol: ya right that's too fast.

what are some good songs by nevermore to learn, easy ones too please. i've only played like 10 times before so i'm no alexi, jeff loomis or chris broderick or steve smyth lol :goggly:

oh and one more thing, do you guys look at tabs online to play the songs? what sites do you use? i'm not good enough to use my ears only, and i can't get the programs to work :erk:

I would start with Narco Synthisis, it's pretty easy, and there should be tabs for it. Except last I checked a lot of sites were being closed (copywrite issues). Try

or do a search they should be out there.

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Yeah, Narcosynthesis is pretty easy to play...it's mostly on one string :lol:

Try here also: http://www.911tabs.com/tabs/n/nevermore/

There are loads here, but failing that, do a Google search.

I'm not sure why the tab programmes aren't working for you. Try downloading the latest versions of Guitar Pro or PowerTab from their respective websites. The trial versions are free. The beauty of these pieces of software are that you can see and hear the tab as it's being played so you'll know if it's been transcribed correctly or not.

Also bear in mind a lot of the more recent Nevermore tunes are played on a 7 string guitar (tuned down a semitone) so make sure your guitar is tuned to the CD first! Playing some of these songs may seem tricky at first, but remember, even virtuosos like Chris started from scratch initially. Practice. Practice. Practice. That's the key. Have fun :rock:
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Sexi Alexi 94 said:
hey i posted this on the nevermore board but nobody ever answers so,

i was playing my brother's guitar and he showed me how to play the start of no more will . it was pretty cool, then i was like can you show me how to play born, and he's like :lol: ya right that's too fast.

what are some good songs by nevermore to learn, easy ones too please. i've only played like 10 times before so i'm no alexi, jeff loomis or chris broderick or steve smyth lol :goggly:

oh and one more thing, do you guys look at tabs online to play the songs? what sites do you use? i'm not good enough to use my ears only, and i can't get the programs to work :erk:

Nice seeing ya on this forum. If you really want to learn some Nevermore songs, why don't you take lessons from Chris? He teaches via webcam onine! It's pretty awesome. I started taking guitar lessons, but i really only learned smoke on the Water and South of Heaven. Too many strings on a guitar. I start my bass lessons with Chris next week! Woohoo.
thanks a lot everyone, i got the tab program to work. yeah these songs are very tricky, looking at them on tabs makes me have even more respect and admiration for the nevermore guitar players. looks like it takes a lot of skill, work, determination to be able to play these songs. and lots of practice too lol, maybe i'll skip some homework tonite to practice :lol:

i might have to start with some simpler songs, i am a beginner of beginners. :goggly:

MetalSteph said:
Nice seeing ya on this forum. If you really want to learn some Nevermore songs, why don't you take lessons from Chris? He teaches via webcam onine! It's pretty awesome. I started taking guitar lessons, but i really only learned smoke on the Water and South of Heaven. Too many strings on a guitar. I start my bass lessons with Chris next week! Woohoo.

wow thanks but i'm starting up with lessons pretty soon i think with my next door neighbor, he's really cool, i dont know if he's into metal though. i'll have to let him borrow some nevermore cds', then he'll be cooler :lol: .

ya i get confused sometimes with all the guitar strings too, bass is too big for me though, my hands are too small to reach and play well on a bass :erk: . good luck with your playing! :rock:
MetalSteph said:
Nice seeing ya on this forum. If you really want to learn some Nevermore songs, why don't you take lessons from Chris? He teaches via webcam onine! It's pretty awesome. I started taking guitar lessons, but i really only learned smoke on the Water and South of Heaven. Too many strings on a guitar. I start my bass lessons with Chris next week! Woohoo.
SPAM !!!!!!!!


J/K Steph
MetalSteph said:
Zac you make me horny. Please come back to LA.

Good Lord! Well I can't move back to L.A , however if that did the trick for you
I can give Chris a wonderful list of things to say to say. He'll never run out! I am after all a bassist, and sadly, despite my stunning good looks, keen wit, and writing ability... I yield absolutely no power over the vagina.

All you lead players, keep your biceps bulging, your hair long, and your egos strong, for I have seen the land of no vagina....and it is a wretched place.
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Zac said:
Good Lord! Well I can't move back to L.A , however if that did the trick for you
I can give Chris a wonderful list of things to say to say. He'll never run out! I am after all a bassist, and sadly, despite my stunning good looks, keen wit, and writing ability... I yield absolutely no power over the vagina.

All you lead players, keep your biceps bulging, your hair long, and your egos strong, for I have seen the land of no vagina....and it is a wretched place.

Zac's avatar = priceless
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ive been workin on the river dragon has come lately, and its gettin almost to the point of perfection, any other solos i should check into, not like psalm of lydia stuff, but the stuff around the speed of river dragons solo
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ive been workin on the river dragon has come lately, and its gettin almost to the point of perfection, any other solos i should check into, not like psalm of lydia stuff, but the stuff around the speed of river dragons solo

Is I Voyager too fast? That's the one I learned after River Dragon. :)