I don't get it...

The Scourge said:
:) Wow, looks like I struck a nerve with you posh bastards. If you think that your clever attacks are in someway affecting me, then I am sorry to disappoint you. I will have no part in a ridiculous verbal war because you fellas are too damned sensitive and full of yourselves. So if I were you, I would stop now, and go back to your nice little niche on the Anathema forum and post about shaven genitalia and all the other garbage you "elitist" lot enjoy ever so much. This will be the end of this for me, as I have no time to reflect upon such banality. Good day.

P.S. I always say it should be about the music. Perhaps the lot of you ought to reflect on that before you go off on another belligerent rant. But I doubt these words will have any lasting effect at all. So, how much longer till the Anathema board gets closed down again? Tick.....tock.......tick.....tock....

P.S.S. If you guys truly believe that saying "like" is the only criteria why I came to my conclusion that the lot of you are elitists, then you are even more dense and self-deluded than I thought. Drink a cheap beer and listen to some country music or something. Maybe then that will bring you back down to earth. Jesus.......

Erm, you mispelled P.S.S I think. Actually, it's P.P.S. It's a Latin like acronym id est Post Post Sciptum which means "after after what is written".
Thank you kindly for that latin grammatical correction. I should have known that, considering how much I love the near-dead language. Nonetheless I humbly, and embarassingly concede to my own ignorance. Ego magnum absque laude sum.
Cerulean said:
Hmm you sound like you're a Mehdi admirer, Allan :s I doubt that this is REALLY what you feel. Maybe you THINK you feel this way :cool:

Nevermind :D

Funny enough, Im FAR Not a mehdi-admirer, as we know.. :cool: But I say the same. I prefer Tatu to Opeth. Now, hit me if you dare. :Smug:
It seems you all got a very boring life posting these totally useless stuff... Bore yourself to death if you want... :erk:
The Scourge said:
Hey Danny, I hope my transgressions against the Anathema board isn't the reason that prompted your presence here :) At any rate, your humor is welcome and appreciated here :) And if I write "here" followed by a :) again, then I can officially be redundant. AND is brilliant, brilliant stuff, and I hope to hear more in the near future. Take care man :rock:

Oh and now he is kissing ass. What dignity this guy has.
Frodnat said:
It seems you all got a very boring life posting these totally useless stuff... Bore yourself to death if you want... :erk:
and your bored the most reading it, thinking about it, and telling your opinion :p
The Scourge said:
Thank you kindly for that latin grammatical correction. I should have known that, considering how much I love the near-dead language. Nonetheless I humbly, and embarassingly concede to my own ignorance. Ego magnum absque laude sum.

Silentium ornat asinum :grin:
this is somewhat stupid.... starting as a stupid argument over why a guy didn't like opeth and just continueing into something like this ;) please stop

ribbed, Hmmmm...
The funniest is the way you say you dont want to take part in a verbal war, then actually take part in a verbal war, and these two moves within the very same sentence. I was impressed.
The Scourge said:
Glad that my inadvertent wit could impress you. However, this war is now a dead issue, and the time of peace has already begun.

I wasnt taking part to the aforementioned war but only humorously spotting the flaws of your logic. Keep in mind that I do not mean harm though. Thanks for your attention.