New Metal Member
you're not really missing anything: opeth is pretty poor, especially nowadays
try morningrise though, that one is worth listening to!
try morningrise though, that one is worth listening to!
No, you're not...Cerulean said:I'll probably be slaughtered for my opinions
I know what you meanTone-Deaf said:For example porcupine tree has written some songs that are over 12 minutes, but somehow steven's voice is so mesmerizing and the most times in long pt songs while everything is calm and cool the silence breaks and the song goes heavy. How I enjoy that when it happens![]()
Tone-Deaf said:I've never really got into Opeth. I have heard hope leaves, harvest - probably very mellow songs comparing to the most of their songs, and the grand gonjuration from ghost reveries. Well, after hearing theese songs, ok, it's a good band I said to myself. But nothing really amazed me, I was never hooked up with Opeth, and by reading all theese reviews and comments, it seemed to me that they are a bit overrated. I know that most of you must be hardcore fans of Opeth, suggest a few more good songs, and tell a good reason why Opeth is so great as most people think, and I don't doubt it at all,
try MAYH or some songs off it like 'Karma', 'When' or 'April Ethereal'. this is imho their best album by far followed by Orchid and Still Life. Morningrise is good too but after Still Life they got a bit boring though...alphacorvus said:I agree. MAYH is what REALLY got me into Opeth. It has a dark mood that I don't think any other Opeth album has matched.
yeah, that's my favorite track by Opeth... It's the first one I've ever heard by Opeth!Hypnos said:'In Mist She Was Standing'
Is it 12 minutes?!Weathered said:i suppose you're speaking of "arriving somewhere (but not here)"this song never seemed to me like 12 minutes because it's so exciting!!
Vincent J. said:Is it 12 minutes?!![]()
I don't like screamings by meaning deep growls in acapella. I really like dark tranquillity, especially songs from their latest, character, also arch enemy, nightrage, soilwork, hypocrisy, decapitated. From categories of metal that include screamings I prefer listening to melodic death metal and thrash metal. I don't like black metal or death metal without melody the kind of nile and behemoth do (i think) (+puke) . But in the case of Opeth I think that I can get used to the vocals because it's only in a few parts that there are screamings and I must say that I makes it more dark. Imo it would be better If there were some instruments during the screamings or when there are, it would be good to be a bit louder to cover it. But then it wouldn't be Opeth. right?Keltoi said:I think this discussion is simply a matter of when you started listening to Katatonia. If you loved Dance of the December Souls, chances are you love metal. If you started listening to Katatonia when Viva Emptiness came out, and you don't like "screaming", chances are you don't like metal. Same with Opeth, if you don't like them because of the "screaming", than either you don't like metal or it is a new genre for you. You can't simply like Viva Emptiness and expect to like Opeth.