I don't normally spam this forum...

I ordered a copy. For only $3 I think it will probably be a good chance I will get entertainment value based on the cover alone (although I did enjoy this one older LotFP issue I have lying about here somewhere).
Roadrunner should be displayed more prominently, and I don't really equate Candlelight and Relapse with whoredom, but because of the former's cash-in reissues and less than perfect track record and the latter's rapport with deplorable mainstream outlets like MTV, they're not exempt from the shitpile.
Demonspell said:
Roadrunner should be displayed more prominently, and I don't really equate Candlelight and Relapse with whoredom, but because of the former's cash-in reissues and less than perfect track record and the latter's rapport with deplorable mainstream outlets like MTV, they're not exempt from the shitpile.

If I was the artist, working for free, and the guy with the ideas told me 'make that logo smaller, switch that one around, and make that one more prominent', I would have told him to fuck off.

Sure there are a few logo rearrangements I'd have made, but the guy's already put a stupid amount of work into this, and the idea comes across just fine. :D
that cover rules. yeah, I recognize the CM prick.


and I want to know what RC writers voted to stay on major label promo lists. I'm sure PJ and NAD voted yes. Erik and JayK, no.
JayKeeley said:
By the way, I'm very intrigued as to why BW&BK are included on the cover.... :heh:

A writer from Rock Hard actually let loose with this little tirade which sums up my feelings:

"To top it all off, BWBK are becoming ever more hypocritical and many of the same bands they tear down in reviews are still being featured with articles (bowing to label pressure no doubt.....) and Popoff writes the dumbest, most extravagant 'Knuckletracks' linernotes on bands they rip in the mag. It's like, where is your integrity? - Quick to dismiss certain genres almost across the board for being 'mallcore', 'kiddle metal' and 'teen angst' but no balls to be consquentional enough and actually let your mag reflect your superior 'true metal' attitude."

Their cookie cutter, no-depth style of coverage drives me up a fucking wall as well.
BW&BK is easily the worst metal magazine I've ever had the displeasure of reading. King Shit Mag, it is.
J. said:
and I want to know what RC writers voted to stay on major label promo lists. I'm sure PJ and NAD voted yes. Erik and JayK, no.
Honestly I don't remember, I think I just said keep the small labels like Audio Savant and ditch anything else. Somebody correct me on this if they saved RC emailz plz. :loco: EDIT: I was just informed that yes I did vote to ditch the big labels last time this issue came up. Shame on you for doubting my integrity, J. :p

Doesn't matter now though, if I never received a promo again for the rest of my life, not only would I be okay with that but I'd still have plenty of shit to review.
J. said:
and I want to know what RC writers voted to stay on major label promo lists. I'm sure PJ and NAD voted yes. Erik and JayK, no.

Guess again. :Spin:

And just to clarify, when I said drop labels, this did not include: The End, Golden Lake, Audio Savant, Vendlus, Cruz del Sur, Code 666 and others of their ilk.
Jim LotFP said:
A writer from Rock Hard actually let loose with this little tirade which sums up my feelings:

"To top it all off, BWBK are becoming ever more hypocritical and many of the same bands they tear down in reviews are still being featured with articles (bowing to label pressure no doubt.....) and Popoff writes the dumbest, most extravagant 'Knuckletracks' linernotes on bands they rip in the mag. It's like, where is your integrity? - Quick to dismiss certain genres almost across the board for being 'mallcore', 'kiddle metal' and 'teen angst' but no balls to be consquentional enough and actually let your mag reflect your superior 'true metal' attitude."

Their cookie cutter, no-depth style of coverage drives me up a fucking wall as well.

I'd be interested to hear Chris Bruni's thoughts. He drops by here on occasion.

Anyway, yes, BW&BK isn't all that good. Too many ads, the news section is useless (why a monthly print mag needs a section like that of Blabbermouth when this news is updated every 10 minutes on-line), and a huge bias towards power/traditional metal/old school metal, specifically highlighting the usual suspects.

I just thought there might be something lingering back from the exchange you had with the editor in regards to your issue about "how to write reviews". ;)
JayKeeley said:
I just thought there might be something lingering back from the exchange you had with the editor in regards to your issue about "how to write reviews". ;)

I don't recall ever getting into it with BWBK's people...

And Blabbermouth has NOTHING to do with 'news'. 'Press releases', yes, up the wazoo, but hardly 'news'. I thought I'd scheduled Blabbermouth's logo to be on the cover as well but I didn't press it when the cover showed up without it. So of course I've submitted an LotFP press release to them. Mainly because I want to see if Borivoj gets a rise out of the cover, but if it's actually posted, yay.

When the LotFP shirts arrive in 2-3 weeks, you're all going to order one, yes? :)
Blabbermouth serves a purpose. Keeps things buzzing. I don't ever read it, but once in a while, someone makes a thread based on a news update over at that site. A tour schedule, a new release, someone quits the band, etc.

I'lll go check a few back issues, I could have sworn there was something with BW&BK....
JayKeeley said:
Blabbermouth serves a purpose. Keeps things buzzing. I don't ever read it, but once in a while, someone makes a thread based on a news update over at that site. A tour schedule, a new release, someone quits the band, etc..

Right. "Press releases", not news. :p
Jim LotFP said:
...and Popoff writes the dumbest, most extravagant 'Knuckletracks' linernotes on bands they rip in the mag.
I've yet to read anything by Popoff that even approaches a coherent sentence. How the man has made it as far as he has, without the ability to write beyond a 5th Grade level, is mind-boggling.

Jim LotFP said:
I don't recall ever getting into it with BWBK's people...

I don't know what I'm thinking of then...I just went and skimmed through my pile of LotFPs and couldn't find anything. The discussion went into the fact that labels use promos as tax write-off's blah blah -- ring any bells?

I did see Mark Gromen's response to the "review" issue, but that was rather eloquent to say the least.

Also, a couple of questions:

- which edition has the "Hymn to Life" review? I've only read Jens Johansson's response, but never found the review.

- what have you got against Bolt Thrower? :tickled: I thought John Peel did a fine job helping to unearth those guys.
JayKeeley said:
I don't know what I'm thinking of then...I just went and skimmed through my pile of LotFPs and couldn't find anything. The discussion went into the fact that labels use promos as tax write-off's blah blah -- ring any bells?

Mike G, Metal Maniacs... not BWBK. :) But that was way back in 1999... That was not my finest hour but it put me on the map as much as anything else.

JayKeeley said:
- which edition has the "Hymn to Life" review? I've only read Jens Johansson's response, but never found the review.

uhmm... let me look...

JayKeeley said:
- what have you got against Bolt Thrower? :tickled: I thought John Peel did a fine job helping to unearth those guys.

Bolt Thrower after IVth Crusade is just boooooooooring, booooooooring shit.