I don't understand the ethical problems with the face transplant thing


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
everyone is making a big deal about it and, you know, great medical achievement, but why is it such an ethical dilemma? I don't get it. all the arguments they're giving are really stupid.

"when you remember a dead loved one, you remember their face, so you don't want to be disfiguring that face, your only memory, by cutting it off once the person is dead and leaving an ugly corpse." (from TV just now)
i don't get it either. or the ethical problems with cloning! both AMAZING medical acheivements. Plus, wouldn't it be cool if you were a burn victim and you could produce clones solely to cut off their faces in order to transplant them onto your own?

people are weird.
Ideally, you wouldn't have to waste a complete person and you could clone on the parts you needed. We have the tech, tell the bureacrats you want it now.
because imagine all of the chinese face thieves out there.

plus what will we do when someone decides to graft the mask of christ upon themselves? or a whole south pacific tribe does that?

what will we do with the old faces? where will we dump them? the sea? do we have a whole new fetish market or tax shelter waiting to spread its black leathern wings?
That why I said we could just clone parts of people so if you destroy your liver, you can just get a new one without going on a donor list or anything. You just show up, say hey, my liver is busted, think I could get a new one, they take a buccal swab and away they go making you a never liver to transplant in and no need for immunosupresssive drugs and no chance of tissue rejection because it made of you. ROCK AND ROLL ON YOUR LIVER and then get a new one when it breaks.
I see ethical problems with clones on a number of levels but if properly legislated it should not be a problem. The problem is offshore cloning facilities where Donald Trump gets an army of himself....
Only problem I see is that there would no longer be a need to die, unless you have something neurodegenerative or you get hit by a bus and bleed out before you get to the hospital.
didnt i just write a book review about cloning for organ harvesting?

anyway, yea what's the big deal?
people have retarded opinions about things like this AND it seems like people have stronger opinions the less they know about a subject. i hate that.

cloning isnt that big of a deal., they'll probably be cloning tissue (including meat for people to eat w/o having to kill the animals anymore) before they bother cloning an entire human just for the organs, which would be a lot of wasted time/materials.
yeah I agree 0sm0se. cloning parts doesn't seem to be a problem. even cloning whole beings might be okay as long as the law protects those beings as people and not as, like, bodypart farms or rights-less soldiers.
no, I didn't, Novemberspaul, but I know what the plot is and it's been used in a lot of scifi stuff before--I've definitely read at least one or two stories that are pretty much the same thing.
'never let me go' is about that same subject. it's a pretty okay book.
anyway, i've always been pro cloning it really bugs people.