I don't want Symphony X for the last slot

I almost made a post in another thread about not wanting SX to play this year. Now, I am a total fan, and I would love to see them. Again. I really would. At the start of this year's announcements I was ok thinking if they came back it would be cool...but now....I dunno, but I hope they don't. I don't know what changed my feelings or mind, but I'd rather see someone that has not played PP so many times before.
The thing is though - Symphony X haven't played PP since Sept. of 2003. By next year's fest it will have been 4 years since they played. Regardless of whether or not their appearence would excite you, that's hardly overkill.

The thing is though - Symphony X haven't played PP since Sept. of 2003. By next year's fest it will have been 4 years since they played. Regardless of whether or not their appearence would excite you, that's hardly overkill.


Yeah I know. I can't explain why I feel the way I do. I'm know that if they were to end up being the last band, I'd be totally on board in short order.
I wouldn't worry so much about a Symphony X Progpower appearance having any sort of negative effect on the chances of a US tour. Look at Sonata. Anway, I think it's high time there was a Dream Theater/Symphony X tour with a split 'evening with' sort of thing where each band gets 1.5 hours or so and then they close performing a few tunes together. It can't be too far off in the distance, DT and SX are just mentioned in the same sentence and the same overblown 'who is better' 'who has more technical skill' arguements. Still - you can arrange a tour around a one off performance like PP.
The thing is though - Symphony X haven't played PP since Sept. of 2003. By next year's fest it will have been 4 years since they played. Regardless of whether or not their appearence would excite you, that's hardly overkill.


The broader view is that it would be their 4th appearance in 8 years. Some people thought that was too much for Evergrey, and likewise Symphony X. Especially in a year that already has so many returning bands.
The broader view is that it would be their 4th appearance in 8 years. Some people thought that was too much for Evergrey, and likewise Symphony X. Especially in a year that already has so many returning bands.

Yep, I'm aware. But they played I, II (which many current attendees never even made it out to) and IV, which is indeed a distant memory. Again, if you're not excited by them playing, that's your more than entitled to opinion - but if they haven't played in 4 years it's simply not overkill.

When we went to Gigantour I in Atlanta, we were quite dissapointed to learn that SX would NOT be playing the show. Considering that, and the fact that VII was my first Progpower, I wouldn't mind seeing them headline Saturday. However, I do think I'd prefer to see them in a touring situation as pointed out by Bryan.

Either way, I know that whoever Glenn picks is going to kick serious ass.
The broader view is that it would be their 4th appearance in 8 years. Some people thought that was too much for Evergrey, and likewise Symphony X. Especially in a year that already has so many returning bands.

And we all know what happened last year when they played (though I don't think Jorn helped matters). There's a combination of issues:
1) They've played a bunch of PPs already
2) They've toured the area since then.
3) They likely WILL do a US tour once the new album is out.

I don't particularly like SX (seems I'm the only one). There are, however, a number of other bands I'd love to see return for that closing spot IF we had to have a returning band. The thing is, I'm not going to start thread upon thread saying we should have so and so return. Even if points 2 & 3 aren't an issue so it's my only chance. I don't want a returning band in that spot. I want a band I haven't seen and likely won't have a chance to see w/o PP. If they do a US tour on top of their PP appearance, so be it. If they come to my area after PP and I liked their set enough, I might go to another show.
You've got a band like Within Temptation that has finally made a deal with a US label. Of course, we'll get all the "wah! I don't like women in metal" people but they're still a perfect candidate with quite a following and a new album coming in 2007. Or you've got André Matos with a new solo album. I'm not an Angra fan but I did love the first Shaaman album. There's plenty off oddball bands that could headline the fest and many that I would love to see.
I think if we're going to have a band return that has played a few times in the US and hasn't played PP in awhile, I'd MUCH rather have someone like Jag Panzer.
Anway, I think it's high time there was a Dream Theater/Symphony X tour with a split 'evening with' sort of thing where each band gets 1.5 hours or so and then they close performing a few tunes together.

I'd have a smile for 17 days after seeing a show like that.


And Mustang's point also proves why I would still be excited to see them. Cuz my brother's never seen them yet, neither has Kevin, neither has my buddy John who's planning to make his first trip down this year.
i say put them in the slot, who cares about 4 performances in 8 years, that must mean that they put on a fucking GOOD show.

regardless, they can still tour.... pp doesnt stop them from touring.
Anway, I think it's high time there was a Dream Theater/Symphony X tour with a split 'evening with' sort of thing where each band gets 1.5 hours or so and then they close performing a few tunes together.

While l would love the hell out of a tour with both these bands, an "evening with" isn't likely. DT & Queensryche did this a few years ago with Fates Warning in tow. Now, that was a fantasy tour for me. But getting back, DT can draw extremely well on their own as can QR. SymX is not to that level. It would probably be more like...45 mins-1 hr for SymX & 2 hours for DT. And it would be cool if a band like Redemption was on the bill for 30-45 mins. That would rock!