Symphony X at Jaxx...


Division Guitarist
Feb 11, 2002
Woodbridge, VA
...Wow. The best Symphony X show I've seen - the band was loose and comfortable, yet tight as hell, and really seemed to be having a good time. The set was what I expected, but delivered with great energy, and all of the extra-curricular activities made it even more fun (how often do you see Russ swinging a Nerf sword around?)

Epica was actually pretty good - Amanda's a much better vocalist than Simone (which I expected), and she seemed to be enjoying herself.

Into Eternity was an interesting experience - I could actually hear what they were doing for once! I got there in time to catch the last song (Timeless Winter), and they actually sounded good - they generally play just fine, you just can't hear them...

I saw several forumites there, and everyone appeared to be enjoying themselves, despite it being 1000 degrees and us being packed in like sardines...

All in all, it made up for most of not being able to attend Powerfest this year. Great show, packed house, and steering a drunken band member home - it was pretty much the same thing, anyway. :lol:
sorry I missed it but glad to hear it went well... from all I've heard, I'm more disappointed I couldn't check out Amanda live... and I'm bummed to have missed Into Eternity, but hopefully I'll get to catch 'em at a later time :)
Yeah, it was the best I'd ever seen both Sym X and Into Eternity (of the four or so that I've seen each of them). Every band ripped up the place, it was really an amazing thing to see. It was worth flying the 500 miles to see, and it was great to see the NoVA crew again!
/sad Jaxx shows were one of the really big things I knew I'd miss about leaving Baltimore.

I'm actually in Virginia atm, but on the wrong end of the state!