I e-mailed Carl McCoy from Fields of the Nephilim


Maybe on Luna
Mar 30, 2002
Greetings, I am Telemachus Stavropoulos, from Greece. I have been sleeping on the same bed for a thousand YARS or something equally scary.

Now. Me and Mr.Adventure were discussing how the gentlemen mr. Carl McCoy and Eric Clayton, from the popular rock bands Fields of The Nephilim and Saviour Machine could be an item, so to speak. The scene we thought about would be one that starts thusly:

Mr. McCoy and mr.Clayton sharing a brass tub with no water and only soap bubbles and as a fan displaces the bubbles they giggle as various parts of their anatomy are touched by the chilling breeze. They then would get bored and take a cab down-town. They would talk to each other in the cab, perhaps hold hands or touch shoes, and the cabbie would look but not speak, perhaps only touching his turkish mustage. Then mr.Clayton's hand would get poked by mr.Carl's pentagram ring and he would proceed to end their sublte embrace perhaps with a small, but baritone 'ow'. As mr. McCoy seems like a fairly intelligent man who is afraid for his life at any given moment, we thought you should know that we know that you know that we know, but you've got problems.

Concerned Listener,
Mr. John Dapper
I really hope he responds with something. Perhaps a simple "..you saw that?".
haha "turkish mustage"!!

the first record i ever bought was a Fields of the Nephilim record that had a great cover. i was like 16, i think. toby and i put it on the record player and couldn't figure out which speed to play it at, because it sounded okay either way. i think toby has it now; i haven't seen it in a decade or so.