I fail to hear the "BAD" production in Morning rise.....!!!!

blimey said:
Well hes right. GR owns all albums production wise. The BWP production is the same production as Deliverance.

whatever dude, im not gonna argue over somethin so stupid as this, but I enjoy the wall of sound that gives MAYH the darker feel than any of the others
Originally Posted by The Evil Toucan
whatever dude, im not gonna argue over somethin so stupid as this, but I enjoy the wall of sound that gives MAYH the darker feel than any of the others

well that's fine if you enjoy it just don't say it has the best production , because it doesn't
I could have sworn they were near done the album completely when they signed to RR? Or were they only done writing it and recording the master tracks?
I like Waz posting/typing style. He takes time to have a signature which shows pride. I guess some of yous have overlooked that.
The Evil Toucan said:
Nothing about Opeth's production on any albums is 'grim'. You wanna hear grim production? Check out an album called Nattens Madrigal.

MAYH is tied with BWP for best production that fits the songs. Morningrise sounds crappy because the guitars sound crappy and the drum sound is horrible. Even the drum and guitar sounds on Orchid are way better. The only song that has ok production is TBYF.

Grim compared with Opeth MA,YH onwards, not compared to other music.
As in young adults that are new to the recording process and don't yet have any studio experience. Grim as in if they made that album this year it wouldn't sound that way but in the BM 90's it was easier to do and a default choice for a band starting out in the recording world. If that makes more sense. :loco:
Orchid and morningrise sound fine imo. the production does not take away from the music. at least orchid doesn't sound like the black metal albums that were released around that time.
1. waz can't type. Seriously, you should learn to type someday. Everyone who complains about him is right.

2. Morningrise has production that suits the music well. I have no complaints about Morningrise's production, in fact, almost all of the Opeth albums have good/great production. I think MAYH and SL are a bit lacking in this area.

3. Whomever said that BWP has the same production as Deliverance is probably deaf.
I'd say Deliverance has the worst production...

Like GR, at first it sounds pretty good. Good guitar sound, very tight drums... but after a while you're going to hear the errors. All is compressed. Drums sound inorganic to me...

GR was a lot better compared to Deliverance. The first album with Mendez where the bass is actually audible. I can finally here what he's playing. But still it doesn't sound as organic as Still Life for example.

I think once you get to really know an album, you notice all the little quirks in the production and you will accept them. Once an album has grown on you, you wouldn't want it any different. If Opeth were to re-record MR and Orchid I would stick to the old one, whereas new listeners would probably go for the new one.
AnTz0r said:
GR was a lot better compared to Deliverance. The first album with Mendez where the bass is actually audible.

Actually there was a little album called 'Damnation' which came prior to Ghost Reveries. It's where the bass guitar is the most audible, by a long shot.
Autumnal said:
I feel that St. Anger disproves your point. I never thought Metallica would make an album that made Kill Em All sound good, but...

St Anger is a good album just not by Metallica standards. It's a fucking nu metal record if another band had made people would have praised the ground they walked on. Alas for Metallica it's rubbish.
NicholasDWolfwood said:
I could have sworn they were near done the album completely when they signed to RR? Or were they only done writing it and recording the master tracks?

You might be right. I've always assumed that production was done through Roadrunner on Ghost Reveries. Plainly because it's so much of a step up production wise from Damnation and Deliverence (though their production is near perfect GR is beyond perfect). Wheather that's a good or bad thing i don't know.
Powers said:
You might be right. I've always assumed that production was done through Roadrunner on Ghost Reveries. Plainly because it's so much of a step up production wise from Damnation and Deliverence (though their production is near perfect GR is beyond perfect). Wheather that's a good or bad thing i don't know.

The band were more or less finished with the entire thing by the time they 'officially' signed. I doubt the label would've had time to negotiate any studio time for them, much less a producer and engineer.

If there's someone you want to thank for the 'sound' of Ghost Reveries, drop Jens some fanmail. GR to me sounds like the result of hours of pedantic engineering, trying to strike the perfect balance between seperation, clarity and vibe.