I fail to hear the "BAD" production in Morning rise.....!!!!

Liquid Diamonds said:
Metallica are so pretentious. They released St. Anger here on a Thursday (all albums come out on a Monday), just so that they could fuel their pussy ego's because they were sure they would be the number one record by Sunday. They weren't. Ok, I bought the record, and even I laughed my arse off at them!!! 'Tards...:lol:
Hehe. This is a bit off topic, but I can understand why Metallica is fighting the mp3 downloading so activly. I've bought and liked all the albums up until "The Black Album", then I bought "Load" and thought "wtf is this?". When they released "Reload" I listened to it in the record store and decided not to buy it. When they released "St. Anger", I downloaded it, listened to it a few times, then deleted it from the harddrive and decided not to buy that piece of <use your imagination and insert word here>. But then again, considering my experience with "Load" and "Reload", I never would have bought it anyway before I had a chance to listen to it.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
*sigh* Oh jeez, here we go. ANOTHER person bashing Deliverance. I'm getting tired of you people, seriously. :mad:

im not bashing it at all. aren't you a bit frustrated?

next day when you get out of bed, tell yourself: today im gonna smile :Spin:
The thing is, I don't give a shit about production. I would reckon most people that like black metal in the slightest can agree with me to some extent.
dang/.......taht was def. alot of info..........adn u gusy knwo ure stuff when it ocmes to recording....as for me...i guess alil certain things I can tell are not as sonically perfect as they coudl be....but my main thing was that I was totally content with the sound......and I enjoy listenin to it...BRI is a bad ass song..!!!.....adn TBYFW is my fav one ...!!!!..........thanx for teh very interestign discussion.........PEAC EOUT
AnTz0r said:
im not bashing it at all. aren't you a bit frustrated?

next day when you get out of bed, tell yourself: today im gonna smile :Spin:
Sorry for that comment... I'm very negative when I wake up (notice when I made the post), but then throughout the day I probably stay more positive and optimistic than most of the people around me. :)

- the Somewhat Fat Guitarist
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Sorry for that comment... I'm very negative when I wake up (notice when I made the post), but then throughout the day I probably stay more positive and optimistic than most of the people around me. :)

- the Somewhat Fat Guitarist

no problem, im not that easily offended, especially on the internet. most negative comments are from people with a social problem anyway :)

i would have expected a comment somewhat "stfu noob elitist basher" etc etc like people usually give but this comment from you makes it all right :Smug:
BRI said:
The thing is, I don't give a shit about production. I would reckon most people that like black metal in the slightest can agree with me to some extent.

You should - ask Lars Ulrich what happens when you forget to produce an album ...
BM production - the early Nordic BM - was superb not so much in its perfection but that it captured the mood. As affinityband said, it's all about winter.
BRI said:
The thing is, I don't give a shit about production. I would reckon most people that like black metal in the slightest can agree with me to some extent.

silly thing to say. If anything, like i've been saying throughout these baords, I prefer the production on orchid and MR because it's rougher. BM fans usually prefer the older, scratchier, less polished production of yesteryears. The production is supremely important, especially for BM fans.
Semantics, guys. Point is that I can take a shit in a can whilst pointing a computer mic at it and it would appease a black metaller's craving for 'trueness'. The need for a record to sound as bad as possible is ridiculous to me. Why don't we take it a notch further and just play a distorting square wave at 3.5khz just so we can jack off at the thought that we're creating the loudest, most obnoxious sound a human ear can perceive.
Moonlapse said:
Semantics, guys. Point is that I can take a shit in a can whilst pointing a computer mic at it and it would appease a black metaller's craving for 'trueness'. The need for a record to sound as bad as possible is ridiculous to me. Why don't we take it a notch further and just play a distorting square wave at 3.5khz just so we can jack off at the thought that we're creating the loudest, most obnoxious sound a human ear can perceive.

It's not that we crave the worst form of production possible, it's just that the best BM out there tends to be roughly produced. And as a coincidence, the 'scratchy' sound tends to suit the music. I'm not saying let's find as shit production as possible and worship it as the next big thing in the BM underworld, but perfect, clean production just doesn't lend itself to BM.

Hahaha and BTW, yeah I can think of a lot of BMers that would actually jack off at creating the loudest, most obnoxious sound a human ear can perceive, purely because BM is about creating atmosphere and mood, and if they can achieve that, they're stoked.