I feel rotten

Should always try and get a last root when you break up with someone. At least it's a way of ending on a good note :p (unless it's a useless shag.)
That's some bad luck there, Southy. I hope you two manage to sort things out.

Sheilas can be crazy, and fucking expensive too.
We may have the ability to confuse you then use our sexual power as a weapon and make you believe your the best root we ever had. However we are not crazy to be us we are crazy for putting up with the male species in the first place. Hence the use of our power in the way we do!
Aren't they all?
Once that ring is on the finger it flicks the switch from normal guy to brainwashed husband....it keeps getting stronger everyday till you eventually die...that is why the average life span of a woman is much longer than a man's!
