i finally got my keyboard!


May 9, 2002
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a yamaha DGX-500, 88 keys, semi-weighted, good stuff, i only had it down by the computer for one day, and that was the 2nd day i had it... (2 weeks ago) but if you want to hear a quick recording i made on it.... www.angelfire.com/ego/wounded/spookymp.mp3

i'm pumped to start firing out some fun, longer tunes :cool:

copy and paste the link into your browser
:lol: Sounds like something from Castlevania or an old nintendo game. Cool for a 2nd day thing :D

What the hell is that sound at like 0:55 :lol:
@ F_V - at 0:55 there is a scream, i just bent it with my pitch shifter so it sounded like a wolf, i got a good laugh out of it, i can't believe how much stuff this keyboard has, everything you hear was done on it.

@ S_D - thanks man, i actually don't have much expierence with keyboard (i screw up on the arpeggio on the harp) i played my friends a little bit but everything i know i taught myself.. i just need someone to help me haul this thing downstairs so i can record some more stuff....
Sweet man. I'm gettin one soon i think, i'd like too anyway. Those are expensive though! once my job gets goin, makin a little cash. very little...
Originally posted by Stormrider586
Sweet man. I'm gettin one soon i think, i'd like too anyway. Those are expensive though! once my job gets goin, makin a little cash. very little...

mine was $750,, rather expensive

you guys seem to hear video games in a lot of music :lol: nothing wrong with video games, i'm just glad you didn't start ripping on me haha, i'm thinking my next recording is going to be some Viking Metal, who is excited?! wooo!
Viking metal rocks man!! looking forward to it :)

i use to own a keyboard, but i gave it away. dont be too shocked at my actions tho cause it was like bog standard, bottom of the range type crap :lol: i never played it much