I find it hard to get into black metal...

serial killer said:
this is the way I see black metal the "big" bands (if there is such a thing) are good C.o.F, dimmu borger, venom etc. but there are very few underground bands that are worth a shit (in my opinian) thats why not many people know about em, because its to damn weird. half the time its not really even metal its some goth goin crazy on an oragan but one real solid black metal band I found is called RAVENCULT you all should check em out its no oragans, no female vocals, no bullshit they remind me of diesection :rock:

ShadowOfDeath said:
Agreed, but considering the fact they're new to black metal it's okay to like emperor a lot. In time and age if he enjoys black metal he'll realize Emperor aren't the cream of the crop.

Emperor - ITNE is quintessential black metal. As is Burzum - Hvis...

ShadowOfDeath said:
For just starting out check out stuff like .... Marduk.... Mayhem isn't a bad start either as well as Old Man's Child.

I would not recommend leading them astray at the start. He would do far better listening to Emperor than all of the above combined. If he can get into all of the Burzum albums I'm sure he can get into any black metal. Naturally, I recommend them.

The pretentious description only fits bands such as Dimmu. All that talk of tormenting christian souls. At least with the likes of Varg and Samoth they acted upon what they said. Furthermore, the pretentious bands are not even considered black metal by the elitest fans. As for Chaotic vocals, I can see what your getting at. But I figure Death metal fans loved chaos/brutality and all that stuff...
whats up whith the :lol: are you laughing with our at me?
oh yeah, emperor a good band and all but some of you guys need to find a crowbar and pry yourself from there nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: to that
listen to enslaved and dissection. stay away from mayhem and darkthrone. unless you like 4 chord masterbation
Transilvanian Scotsman said:
The pretentious description only fits bands such as Dimmu. All that talk of tormenting christian souls. At least with the likes of Varg and Samoth they acted upon what they said. Furthermore, the pretentious bands are not even considered black metal by the elitest fans. As for Chaotic vocals, I can see what your getting at. But I figure Death metal fans loved chaos/brutality and all that stuff...
As I stated before, I am not really a BM fan(just Immortal, who really don't count), so I do not have a position to stand on. But I am a DM fan and while not as knowledgable as some, I can say that the vocal patterns used in DM have a diffinite structure. TO me, and I will get bashed for this, a lot of classic Death Metal vox have more incommon with rap structure than anything else. I am not a fan of rap, I am just saying that DM vox are geared more toward percussive accompaniment than content. Of course there are some exceptions and so forth, and the newer DM bands tend to be crazily unpredictable.