I fucking HATE Cd protection


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
This causes nothing but fucking trouble for the paying customer. I recently purchased Command and Conquer 3, in hopes to play it. The securom protection is saying I cannot because it thinks I am emulating the fucking CD. I am NOT fucking emulating it. I don't even have any CD emulation software on my computer at this moment. So I emailed the tech support of securom (which is who EA led me to), and they told me a longer equivalent of "get fucked".

The sad part is? If I were to of fucking pirated the game, I'd be playing it no problem... like the other 500,000 who downloaded it! I just wanted to play it online, for fucks sakes.

Fuck Securom, Fuck Starforce... and to hell with every other CD protection company out there that decides its going to be a moral authority. LET ME PLAY MY MOTHERFUCKING GAMES.
There are ways to get around it, I'm sure. I'm not familiar with this problem, otherwise I'd help.
So, after spending an hour or so whacking at the exe myself, i've made it work.

Securom - 0, Eric - 1

The battle will continue as new C&C 3 updates get released.
I think the EA guys messed up big time with this one. For instance, the game is literally impossible to play on a laptop, and when I say impossible I don't mean it runs pretty shitty, I mean it doesn't run at all.
Runs on my old mans laptop after some major tweaking of the settings (he's a huge C&C whore)... but yeah, the engine is poorly built on the technical side, but the gameplay is pretty good so far. And no, haven't tried online yet. That would require me to update. If I update, chances are its not gonna work and i'm gonna have to fuck with it again. And I don't feel like doing that right now.