Know what I fucking hate?

I had to actually block a friend of mine because every single night, without fail, he would IM me and ask the same questions as the previous night...

Q: Sup?
A: Nothing.

Q: What have you been up to? (Yes, that is in fact the SAME QUESTION)
A:....Not much

Q: How's school goin?
A: Alright.

Q: So, you got a girlfriend yet? (When I was single, obviously)
A: No.

Q: What have you been listening to lately?
A: (Always wanted to say, "Better shit than you!")

About fifteen minutes pass without conversation....

Q: What are you doing?
A: *thinks, "someone kill me, please*...
I tried to find pictures of a dolphin penis, but all I came up with are dildos with dolphin shaped clit flickers.

Go go internet usefulness...
A Trace Of Blood said:
I hate when I am on AIM and people IM me and go through a bunch of "formalities" before they get to the fucking point. "What's up?" and "How's it going" are prime examples after one greets me with a "hey" or "hello" or so on. Just type what you have to fucking say and save me the trouble of typing "nothing much" to your "what's up?".
hey dude whats up?

but seriously you could be ill or something
I never understood why people bothered asking "what's up" in English, cause they never reallly answer, they'll only answer back by saying "sup?". I don't know, my friends and I literally answer to these kind of questions by saying something like "I just got accepted at University" or something, ya know?
AsModEe said:
I never understood why people bothered asking "what's up" in English, cause they never reallly answer, they'll only answer back by saying "sup?". I don't know, my friends and I literally answer to these kind of questions by saying something like "I just got accepted at University" or something, ya know?

Yes, Germans do the same thing as you. I hate when people ask me the question in real life too because I know they don't give a fuck. And when they ask how I'm doing, they aren't really concerned for my health or well being, and expect me to say "I'm doing well". I usuaully say I'm doing shitty and that gets bad looks, as if that were the wrong answer to the question.