I got early Xmas presents last night!


Nov 29, 2002
Altec Lansing surround sound gaming/music speakers
Cakewalk Music Creator 2003
Phillips Sonic Edge 5.1 Soundcard

I will be a black metal band in no time!!!!
How many watts are the Altec Lansings? I have a sweet 400W system.

I wish people would buy me shit like that... :lol: I hate having to use my own money for everything.
Congratulations Tara. I never realised that Santa did early deliveries. I hope he delivers my presents early as well. ;)
Hahah, this wasn't from Santa. It was from my luv bunz!!! :eek:

90 watts by the way. I'm not too big on electronic stuff (meaning I know jack schitt about what's good and what isn't)...but it sounds pretty darn kickin.
I get into audio stuff, myself.... Gotta have it. Most people seem to think a 400W system on a computer is "excessive".... BAH! Same thing with my car. It's necessary to have a really loud death metal band playing in a really small bar on four wheels. If it doesn't cause physical pain, you're not quite where you need to be yet!
Originally posted by BasilisK 3 7 77
I get into audio stuff, myself.... Gotta have it. Most people seem to think a 400W system on a computer is "excessive".... BAH! Same thing with my car. It's necessary to have a really loud death metal band playing in a really small bar on four wheels. If it doesn't cause physical pain, you're not quite where you need to be yet!

And what he means by "pain" is not being able to hear, think or walk straight after sitting in the car for say 5 seconds :lol:
And my shit's not even done yet. Right now I just have decent enough sound to be able to drive comfortably. When I get two more amps and a couple lighting caps, then we'll be a little closer to having a real stereo in the BasilisKmobile.
Heehee, I got my first crimbo prezzies two days ago! Just a couple seedies though. Oh no, I got fifty dollars in the post the day before that too. Wonder how many pounds sterling i'll get from that.

Originally posted by BasilisK 3 7 77
And my shit's not even done yet. Right now I just have decent enough sound to be able to drive comfortably. When I get two more amps and a couple lighting caps, then we'll be a little closer to having a real stereo in the BasilisKmobile.

Comfrontable for YOU maybe but I do believe the neighbors have already bitched about your system :lol: Let me think, oh yeah, the first time I heard it in the garage with the garage door closed the the door to inside the garage AFTER turning the system down you could hear a neighbor screaming to basically turn the shit down :lol: But hey if anyone ever needs a really good back massage, ride in the BasilisKmobile:lol: it does wonders :D
I need to get a better version of cakewalk and a better card, with which I can plug my amp into, and record stuff through my amp, instead of fiddling with the amps on the program.
Originally posted by Silver Raven
Comfrontable for YOU maybe but I do believe the neighbors have already bitched about your system :lol: Let me think, oh yeah, the first time I heard it in the garage with the garage door closed the the door to inside the garage AFTER turning the system down you could hear a neighbor screaming to basically turn the shit down :lol: But hey if anyone ever needs a really good back massage, ride in the BasilisKmobile:lol: it does wonders :D

I don't remember any neighbors bitching.... :confused: