I got in a car accident tonight with BODOM BLASTING!!!

i f you think and look your self in the mirror and look the car and think.

"i am a dumb ass, i listen to music and started to headbang"
"what if someone would get killed?"
" becouse of fuckin solo!!!"

p.s. this solo is crap.

btw:you said FUCK YOU ALEXI

and the in the next sentence you apologise to him.
ALexi is no god he is JUST A GUITAR PLAYER! BTW: he still needs to learn alot
i rarely look at the road when i drive, seriously, i have crazy add and ocd, but ive still never crashed
I hope you get your drivers licence taken away, or your legs cut off, either way just get the fuck off the road you irresponsible prick.
Yeah, hang on though Gav we are missing the real point.

So what he is a careless cunt who shouldn't be allowed to drive......I think the real point he was trying to make is Knuckleduster rocks more than his life is worth, lets forgive his faggotry and pray he loses his life next time round

Oh and, dont blame Alexi for your lack of brain cells.
OMFUG KIDS GO BACK TO FUCKING SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!! He said nobody got hurt YOU FUCKS, FUCK I HATE U FUCKS!!!!!!! So you can regard it as a joke because he wouldnt have posted anything if anybody got hurt!! As far as the headbanging goes YOU SURE NEED TO GET A LIFE!!! if you havent headbanged in a car!!
erm lol thats kinda funny, becuaus you know what? if you tried to mess with all the linkin park fans, COB fans would get assraped each 1000 times. oh fuck you wont even get what i just tried to tell you (sigh).
im not a linken park fan but I did listen to their first album.

PS hybrid theory is dam good.
DeathPact said:
OMFUG KIDS GO BACK TO FUCKING SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!! He said nobody got hurt YOU FUCKS, FUCK I HATE U FUCKS!!!!!!! So you can regard it as a joke because he wouldnt have posted anything if anybody got hurt!! As far as the headbanging goes YOU SURE NEED TO GET A LIFE!!! if you havent headbanged in a car!!

Hahaha, i love this little kid :lol:

Dude, he said "and rolled into an intersection", which implies, it WASN'T A COUNTRY ROAD, meaning other vehicles use that road, meaning his fucking faggotry could have cost someone their life.
But it didnt omg, thats the point. You lash out at this poor guy like mad fuggers geesh when he was actually prob trying to relate to some guys here, which failed to the worst degree i might add.

I think the problem here like I have said is that there are certain ppl that just always need to chirp in every fucking thread and leave their big ass lipstick pictures on every thread
DeathPact said:
But it didnt omg, thats the point. You lash out at this poor guy like mad fuggers geesh when he was actually prob trying to relate to some guys here, which failed to the worst degree i might add.

I think the problem here like I have said is that there are certain ppl that just always need to chirp in every fucking thread and leave their big ass lipstick pictures on every thread

He was a fucking idiot and deserves to hear it from anyone who bothers to tell him.

And, guess what, you do too :p