Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
DId eye laser surgery (LASEK&ELSA) this morning so now I'll see well for ever and ever. Updates after my computing hiatus is over (maybe a week)

he was a triangular laser giraffe
good job!
I had it done back in 2002. Can still see fine.
contacts were balls, glasses got in the way. nothing cooler than having a laser shot into your eyes

Could not agree more! Economically great as well over time.
They say technology has gone forward lots lately in this area as well, so if your 2002 laz0r is still good, that bodes well for me.
I want/need to do that but it's plainly unaffordable on our shores (as measured by my income too). Does State healthcare provide for part of the costs in Sweden?

if so I'm Swedish by the end of the year.
Mike who sits in a corner with sunglasses tells me to write this to Ellestin:
No, no money from the state healthcare unfortunately. Costs about 24000 sek = 2168 Euros here, but I'm paying it by loan over two years.
I don't know about this, I kinda enjoy wearning glasses... but I suppose because I like their ability to let me see things(!).

Though I've been glasses shopping as of late, and it's hell. All the modern glasses look nothing like the ones I want to replace, which fit my rugged boyish good looks oh so proper.
I don't know about this, I kinda enjoy wearning glasses... but I suppose because I like their ability to let me see things(!).

Though I've been glasses shopping as of late, and it's hell. All the modern glasses look nothing like the ones I want to replace, which fit my rugged boyish good looks oh so proper.

glasses are fucking expensive as well - if I didn't have this surgery, I'd have to get a new pair pretty much now, and those would cost maybe a quarter of what the surgery cost me now. And new contacts in a few months etc etc. It's just been two days (of indoors-wearing sunglasses :cool:) and I already feel quite good and see way better than before. And I'm candidly computing a few minutes here and there even though the doctor said not to. Most activities needs your eyes, good thing heavy metal roxit so hard.
True, it will add up when I'm all done. Cheap frames here start around 90 $$$, plus eye exam, plus lenses, plus oh so wonderful features like turning into sunglasses when I step outside.

Though in my position, my vision is pretty much not that bad (20/40 but its a decade old prescription so who knows?!), and I've never messed with contacts for long because they cause my eyes to burn 'n scream, but I can only imagine how awesome robot laser eye removal must be to those ghetto eyeballz.
I didnt get them fancy schmancy presto-chango glasses because they told me they wouldn't change while driving because the windshield has so much UV-blocking ability, the glasses wouldn't be stimulated enough to tint. I thought what's the point? So I'd have to take my glasses off and put on sunglasses while I drive?
If this is true, then nuts to that. I didn't expect there to be a catch, I was just hoping to cut out the middleman of carrying sunglasses around. Clip-ons don't take up much pocketspace though.
I've had sunglasses indoors for the last few days, and will HAVE to have 'em in strong light for some months (as opposed to just wanting because it's nice for the eyes I suppose) which is all very rockstar.