I got the song "Death Delirium" off Bloodbath's new album.

Oct 17, 2002
Ontario, Canada
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A friend sent it to me and Mikael's voice is incredible. Their new album is going to be so good. The music itself sounds a lot better than their EP, considering they were drunk while writing the EP...heh. But anyway, if you've not heard anything off the new album and are wondering whether or not it'll be good, well, it'll give the new Opeth a run for its money. (I still like Deliverence better). But than again, I've only heard that one song off Bloodbath's new album so, who am I to judge?
HAHAHA. Give Deliverance a run for its money????? yeah fucking right. One is a goof off tribute to simplistic death metal, the other is a monumental amazing album. I don't see one giving the other a run for its money.
Let's compare Deliverance to an album like The Sound of Perseverance... Deliverance isn't even close. Before you judge based on things like simplicity, give the album a listen.
I consider Human to be pretty technical for a pure DM album. Not so much so as Opeth, but a good balance between straight ahead kick ass music and complexity. If I was craving something complex, i'd listen to Focus by Cynic over any Opeth album(except for maybe Morningrise).
Hmmm...alright, let me rephrase. Bloodbaths album is an emotionally simplistic album with lyrics about hacking people to bits atop generic, albeit kickass, death metal. Opeth's new albums reaches out to me in ways that I've never experienced before. The fact that it's technical is a plus in my book though.
Pretentiousness is a word that comes into mind.

Either way, the new Bloodbath sounds kinda dull. This kind of music was done better by Entombed, Dismember, Grave and Carnage back when it was still new and fresh.

As a one last note, Katatonia's Brave Murder Day packs much larger an emotional punch than any Opeth album and it is much simpler too.
I think the Bloodbath album is excellent. I mean, all these guys are awesome musicians. I just find it cool that they can go "back" to more basic stuff like this, cause sometimes music can be beautiful in it's simplicity.

I think the hardest thing of all is to make a great yet simple riff. It's sooo easy to fill those riffs with a lot of tech-bs which seems really cool, but actually can ruin more than they help. Or maybe this theory is a pile of junk and I should shut up.
i agree with iandork
bloodbath is good for what it is
but it's not like the members themselves take it so seriously.
so when someone said it gives deliverance a run for it's money, it just seems like it's overstating or exagerating things at least a little
Originally posted by YouFoolWarrenIsDEAD
Katatonia may have the edge in emotion, but when it comes to imagery, Opeth wins hands down.

Their albums don't really create the same kind of imagery but the imagery from BMD is definitely clearer