I gotta say, I'm loving that ol' Marshall tone...


Aug 14, 2009
As a bit of a project, some peeps are working on an album with a little bit of input from me and with me doing all of the work on the mix and such.

Anyways, we've got an old Marshall Major running through a Marshall 1960 Lead cab. Guitar's that are tracked are currently a Gibson Les Paul on all the rhythm work, and a Fender Strat on the slide guitar part. In front of the amp is an Ibanez tube screamer to push the tubes just a tad bit so we don't have to absolutely crank the amp for some awesome tone.

Anyways, here's the first track we've gotten the guitar parts mostly done for:


Drums are to be recorded later, so the crappy programmed drums will be done away with, and the bass will be re-recorded once their bassist is back from college.

Not exactly "metal" but I think it fuckin rocks! :headbang:

Edit: And of course, opinions are wanted.
Bump, cause someone's gotta be thinkin somethin.

Love it? Hate it? Don't really care?

Criticism? Constructive criticism?
Awesome but the guitars are way too loud for this music IMO.

They will probably end up coming down once the vocals are on there.

Hopefully the real drums will be tracked soon. The song seems so empty without vocals and without the real drums. With everything on there, it's a fuckin epic beast.

All the other songs that we are working on are going to have different textures tone wise, because the concept of the album is to have different "soundscapes" that convey different feels. Basically think of a game like MegaMan and all the different stages, Ice, Fire, Metal, etc... Or better yet, like Super Metroid, with all the different bosses.

On at least one of the songs I'm going to see if we can push towards a more "metal" feel. That marshal might be from 1969 (or 1970?) but it gets some sick metal tones when pushed just right. :heh:

Thanks for the comments peeps!

Edit: This song is called "Desert Colossus". Next one is going to be Sun Palace... I'll give an E-Cookie to whoever can name what those are from...
Zelda, Chrono Trigger or something..


Like you stated, that clip is not going to peg any kind of brutality meter, but man, that tone's got personality. Really like the slide section starting around 1:40.