I guess he/ she is gone...


Jonny's clone has been banished from the UM forums?!
I lost track since the site crashed, shortly after his arrival.
I was just getting used to his second rate insults.
It was funny, cos' he seemed to have the wrath of the old school forum
fall down upon him! One thing though, he seemed to have scared off the chicks that had just arrived... Did that have anything to do with it?
I haven't seen them post in a while. I mean we have Delize, but c'mon...
Just kidding Delize, you Rawk!:worship:
You don't remember the thread where JD said he got banned ? They were trying to ban J2K and got the wrong guy by mistake. A few of us reported that clown to the moderator.

I never noticed. Since I had discover the ignore list button, I juts got rid of another annoying character. I love this gadget! Wish my other board had it too :(
sixxswine said:
So JD did you get it in the end?
Just kidding brother. I recall you had said there was some mix up & they pulled the plug on you. I thought it was a goof?!

yeah they did there was a bit of an outcry to rid the place of him and I got caught in the cross fire! no goof there hahahahaah We will not see that Character again tho I cant help but be curious as to who that was I must have meet them or something before but I dont remember that or its somebody I actually know in the real world :loco: But I cannot think of anybody I know that would have a Tesla Song title under their user name