I had a dream last night...


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
...about travelling to the United States and meeting some of you Anthrax board guys.
My dreams come true sometimes:Spin:
Pity I didn´t end up having sex with PM in this dream :(
That would be cool to meet you dude.
BTW- Here's my King Diamond review for you:
The Bands
Behemoth- These guys are from Poland. And the fucking RULE! Never heard them before Monday night. I need to get their CDs. They get a 9 out of 10.

Black Dahlia Murder- Pretty fucking good. Never heard them either (shame on me). They weren't as good as Behemoth. They get an 8/10.

Nile- Also very good. I love their faster thrashier stuff. The slower stuff is okay. They get an 8/10.

King Diamond- After Nile's set, some guy came on stage before the house lights went on. He said, "I'm really sorry you guys [in the crowd], but King Diamond has fallen ill and will not be able to perform."
The first thing I thought of was, "BULLSHIT." And the second thought that crossed my mind was, "This would NEVER happen with Anthrax."
So me and my friend's left the gig, pissed. We went into a CD store next door to the gig and browsed. An employee at the store said he heard that King Diamond collapsed on the tour bus... I haven't been able to find any more info than that.
So, King Diamond gets a -9/10 (that's MINUS 9)
ThraxDude said:
That would be cool to meet you dude.
BTW- Here's my King Diamond review for you:
The Bands
Behemoth- These guys are from Poland. And the fucking RULE! Never heard them before Monday night. I need to get their CDs. They get a 9 out of 10.

Black Dahlia Murder- Pretty fucking good. Never heard them either (shame on me). They weren't as good as Behemoth. They get an 8/10.

Nile- Also very good. I love their faster thrashier stuff. The slower stuff is okay. They get an 8/10.

King Diamond- After Nile's set, some guy came on stage before the house lights went on. He said, "I'm really sorry you guys [in the crowd], but King Diamond has fallen ill and will not be able to perform."
The first thing I thought of was, "BULLSHIT." And the second thought that crossed my mind was, "This would NEVER happen with Anthrax."
So me and my friend's left the gig, pissed. We went into a CD store next door to the gig and browsed. An employee at the store said he heard that King Diamond collapsed on the tour bus... I haven't been able to find any more info than that.
So, King Diamond gets a -9/10 (that's MINUS 9)

No fucking shit, Tad! That must have sucked ass. I actually experienced this kind of shit once...but had it been with King Diamond, or with Anthrax for that matter...I think there should be some info at www.covenworldwide.org the official page...feel for ya!
johnnieCzech said:
There IS an apology on the official page :(
Ah-ha. Thanks, dude. I went to that site early the next morning and didn't see that.
I was really lookin forward to seeing King Diamond live. Bummer.
If you come to America you must come to C-Bus. I can take you to the TYficiency Apt, where the girls are always hanging out in the hot-tub or the swimming pool, and there is an endless supply of Cabo Wabo and Blue Moon.......................
ZTPioneer said:
If you come to America you must come to C-Bus. I can take you to the TYficiency Apt, where the girls are always hanging out in the hot-tub or the swimming pool, and there is an endless supply of Cabo Wabo and Blue Moon.......................

That might be good ... the red rocks might be good ... be kind.

:Spin: :Spin: :Spin:
giddyyup_sam said:
That might be good ... the red rocks might be good ... be kind.

:Spin: :Spin: :Spin:

I NEVER understand what this guy is talking about! Is it just me?!!

Is he being sincere with the word 'kind'? I hope so. There's nothing worse than going to a foreign country and being treated like shit. (Unless you're an unlawful invading force, in which case you deserve all you get)
Heck if any of our foreign anthrax members were to come over, I would have to find some cool things for you to do as I can always be a designated driver while you guys drink like to the point where you actually think you are in a pub in your native country.o_O

I know that I see some of the countries that are represented like scotland and Ireland and I know that I want to get over there as those were 2 of the few places I didn't get to see when I lived in europe.:Spin:

as for the czech republic, that will hopefully be a regular spot for me every July after the 4th of july as I want to attend Obscene extreme fest in Trutnov each year:headbang:
Ross___ said:
I NEVER understand what this guy is talking about! Is it just me?!!

Is he being sincere with the word 'kind'? I hope so. There's nothing worse than going to a foreign country and being treated like shit. (Unless you're an unlawful invading force, in which case you deserve all you get)

No offense, but I am not surprised you are confused.

Sincere ... you bet I am. I only wish we in America had some of the freedoms Europeans, particularly in The Netherlands, enjoy. Johnnie will be welcomed and treated just fine as would any other European coming to America. Just be smart and don't fuck around in our airports. Maybe you see fascist idiots from our media, but they DO NOT speak for America. Iraq, Iran, N Korea, Russia, China and Syria to name a few chose to develop bad biological weapons which were used against coalition forces in Desert Storm and afterwards on our Navy. What you know of as Gulf War Syndrome, which also includes the anthrax vaccine, has killed over 120,000 American veterans. The true casualties of Desert Storm include EVERYONE there, about a half a million. We don't appreciate how the world treats us when it is us that suffers so you can be free to type whatever the hell you want to in Britain.

The Nation of Islam attacked America, not Osama Bin Laden. He's just a figure-head for their killers to unite to. It appears the world forgot about America's defense of Muslims in Kosovo and our stand on the GENOCIDE against the Muslims by the Serbs, which took place in modern Europe, in the 1990's. 1999, Europe still has their thumbs up their asses over genocide on their continent. Funny, I thought WWII was supposed to end that. Nope. Once again, we got to do it. We are getting tired of this. Iraq is a by-product of European colonialism. Iranian oil was controlled by Britain before the Shah was overthrown in 1979. Shortly afterwards the Gulf War began with Iran and Iraq ... you see my point? Maybe you Brits should take up our cause too, because it is yours too.

Read Vaccine A and if you are European you will be thinking twice before you let your government vaccinate you for the FLU, for what is used in the anthrax vaccine, squalene (MF59), is also being secretly formulated in Europe as a FLU vaccine. Squalene causes autoimmune disease. It supercharges your immune system and you will be immune to that flu strain, but as a SIDE-EFFECTdevelop antibodies against your own bodies cells, like a cancer, slowly destroying your body's cells until you die, with no cure. That is Gulf War syndrome. That is why America refused Chiron's order and we had a flu vaccine shortage here. Gary Matsumoto, the author of Vaccine A, should be thanked for his role in stopping that 'contaminated' flu vaccine from reaching Americans. The band Anthrax, true to their character, will MOSH this truth, and more. Now you are a smart European.

Let's go have us a Black and Tan. I'll buy. We are allies, after all. Thank you for helping us in Iraq. :headbang: