I had an awesome dream last night

Josh Seipp

Nov 19, 2003
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seipptastic: in the first one I forget most of the first part of the dream but ended up investigating a house with some friends. it was like an LA style luxury pad where there was a hiphop hot tub kind of party going on, except it was in a remote and barren mountain region
seipptastic: and it was very dangerous because there were a lot of ANKLYOSAURUSES around and they were all females protecting their young
xxxxx: Holy shit
seipptastic: ankylosaur
seipptastic: and then it turned out that the guy throwing the party was actually an evil wizard and he made my friends disappear
xxxxx: Whoa. That thing looks mean.
xxxxx: This is one of the most exciting dreams anyone's ever told me!
seipptastic: i broke in through the ground level and found extensive slave quarters, they were all manufacturing stuff, I forget what
seipptastic: also I had a machine gun
seipptastic: so I freed the slaves and then we busted my friends out
seipptastic: i wish I could remember more particulars because I know there was more to it
xxxxx: You are fucking kidding me. You really dreamt this? That's amazing.
seipptastic: seriously
seipptastic: I can remember the ankylosaurs and the house really clearly. and the slave areas, which were kind of like airplane hangars
seipptastic: the rest is pretty fuzzy
I had a dream where I got a letter from a Seventh-Day Adventist Retreat Camp in Ontario asking K.D. to come headline a festival they were having (it was summertime). They also sent a home video of a whole crowd of them telling us how much they loved us. I thought it was because we had listed our site on that Spiritualism and Prophecies search engine that Jake posted about a while ago.

Anyway so we went to the cross the border, which was in a park. There was a split rail fence along the whole border and some small pine trees, except for a gap in the fence where there was a border guard who looked about 27 and really skinny with 5 o' clock shadow. When people tried to cross, instead of asking them for documentation or just telling them to stop, he would jump in front of them and wave his arms around really wide, and they'd try to go around him but he'd just move with them and keep himself in front of them so they couldn't cross. I was sitting off to the side with some friends and wondered why he just didn't be verbal. Also i woke up laughing.
I had a dream about how a bunch of us were wearing this giant crimson caps that look like military Nazi/Stasi//M. Bison caps. but these had beautifully-crafted, realistic eyes, noses, and other features attached to the huge, tall "fronts" of the caps, and even carved ivory teeth surrounding a mouth. You wore the cap extremely low on your head so you were peeping out through the mouth, between the teeth.
Another dream I had last night was where I was on a green hill picking up parts of a remote control car that i had just been playing with, which crashed and transformed into a broken doll. As I was scrounging around on the ground, I discovered the entire hill was covered with 4-leaf clovers, not grass.

I woke up and thought the dream and symbolism were awesome, but then I realized today's St. Patrick's Day :bah:
i think i usually have more base dreams than these, and often don't remember them.

however, in one i do remember from the other night, i was in a sort of backstage room with The Cardigans playing along as they practiced preparing for a tour, playing along with them so maybe they'd think i was good and take me along. i recall them liking it when i stopped playing.
(i listened to long before daylight and live stuff on the way to my parents this past weekend)