i hate the doors


Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
right up there with the beatles, rolling stones, U2, sex pistols and nirvana as one of the most overrated bands of all time.

cheesy lounge keys.
pretentious macho posturing.
general lack of rocking.

the doors suck.
The Doors are one of the few classic rock bands I enjoy. Incredible band, and every album except The Soft Parade is fantastic.
The Beatles overrated? LMAO I'm not the biggest fan in the world but I sure know an ignorant statement when I see one. A lot of their early-mid era stuff is brilliant, nevermind ingenuis. Their use of melody is still unmatched to this day, for the most part...and just generally EXCELLENT songwriting.

Also, The Doors are fucking awesome and had more talent than the majority of shit nowadays...ESPECIALLY mainstream LOL.

The Rolling Stones I could care less about but I dont negate the fact that they were original for their time, definitely in the beginning, and were very influential. I only really like Paint It Black ( :kickass: ) and Wild Horses.

U2 is the most overrated band in history imho.

Sex Pistols were fucking rad and Johnny Rotten would spit in your fucking face for saying otherwise. C'mon now, one of the pioneers of the punk movement.

Nirvana, well...I dunno....I liked them in the early 90's, dont really car that much for them nowadays and yes, they are overrated imo.
The Beatles overrated? LMAO I'm not the biggest fan in the world but I sure know an ignorant statement when I see one. A lot of their early-mid era stuff is brilliant, nevermind ingenuis. Their use of melody is still unmatched to this day, for the most part...and just generally EXCELLENT songwriting.
the beatles: greatest rock band ever? possibly. most overrated? certainly. i don't deny their brilliance, but the second coming they ain't. there's such a haze of myth and nostalgia surrounding them theres no room for objectivity. the way people talk about them you'd think nobody had ever picked up a guitar before they came around.

as for the sex pistols, i'd kick johnny rotten in the crotch. everyone gives them credit for "inventing" punk rock, as though one band could invent punk rock. fuck that, they blow and nearly all their contemporaries and followers mop the floor with them...the clash, the ramones, the stooges, bad brains, black flag, etc etc. no contest.

to clarify, i'm not implying that overrated=bad (necessarily). glad you agree with me on U2 though, every time i hear bono wail "WITH OR WITHOUT YOUUUUU" i want to rape his family.