I hate the fuckin cops

LedByTheReaper said:
i dont own a car to have sex in.. however the cops in maidenhead are thick as shit.. i walk past smoking a joint and the policemans too busy choosing his lunch outside burger king to care...
yeah same here :D or i even went down a road in the middle of the road totally wasted :D and the cops go past in a car... but they didnt stop me... and the driver was having a fag :D
Mitton said:
I used to go out with a girl who's dad was cop I once brought her home drunk and he raped me with a stick.:cry:
my new girlfriends dad is a cop :Dand he's seen me drunk and he even gave me a beer :D no problem :D
Cops are gay...All they do is,if they can't charge you for annything,stare at you.At least in my country.I ass behind them,totally in black leather and lase,and they just stare...And don't know what to say.Sometimes,they ask me if I had some drugs with me,but most of time they just fucking stare!!!!Faggots...