I hate the world


Apr 20, 2003
just accidentally switched on TV with the news. I dont listen to it just see the pics as a background canvas for goth music :) for long minutes i only see smoke and half-blown bloody human meat. idiot numbers below about stock rates. logo and time. do they know what _time_ is?! fucking deads and killers and living deads and dead killers and sick shit. and this all comes from a fucking plastic box for which i even pay money to a monster that sends bills. I dont wanna pay no more. I want humanity to pay for the sins. was it always like this?? are we getting better like this, or it's the deepest shit we are in? Gimme THE FLOOD II, the FLOOD strikes back, The FLood Reloaded shall wash away the cities! (start with unhollywood.)
a human is an animal that is not half as intelligent as it likes to think it is. in fact, most would consider themselves - us - to be the pinnacle of life, the most special thing there is and ever will be, when in reality they - we - are plenty irrational and downright stupid, and will go through great lengths to prove it.

the human brain is what is wrong with the world; it's the wiring, you see: it has benefited man through pointless existence to believe himself special, and consequently the rational center of the brain had to give way to irrational thought. human-brand destructive stupidity was born. it is my firm belief that the rational human race would be without all these cold, hateful, ignorant and depressing things, but i do admit it's only a belief in the irrational, hopeful sense.

:p o_O ..or something. actually, i just felt like typing big words. don't take it too seriously, or send it off for peer review.. whatever. bedtime.

..and that would be The Flood nr.1, as the biblical Flood never really happened.
Dora said:
just accidentally switched on TV with the news. I dont listen to it just see the pics as a background canvas for goth music :) for long minutes i only see smoke and half-blown bloody human meat. idiot numbers below about stock rates. logo and time. do they know what _time_ is?! fucking deads and killers and living deads and dead killers and sick shit. and this all comes from a fucking plastic box for which i even pay money to a monster that sends bills. I dont wanna pay no more. I want humanity to pay for the sins. was it always like this?? are we getting better like this, or it's the deepest shit we are in? Gimme THE FLOOD II, the FLOOD strikes back, The FLood Reloaded shall wash away the cities! (start with unhollywood.)
Well, then just switch it off... it isn´t your world, isn´t it? You can´t change the behaviour of all this people and you also can´t judge over the whole humanity...

Maybe not the whole humanity has to pay for the fact, that you are being depressed or show something like a emotional instability. Well, just take a look what the trigger is... uhhhhhhhhhh... obviously not the staggering behaviour of the humanity !!!

I am so annoying by being ... ... ... so serious...

By the way, you are right nora. Let´s kill them all... let´s kill these bastards, all of them... they kill and murder all the day, it seems that it is just a matter of some month till they have erased themselves... why then not join them not (intended double negation) by being like them... Let´s drown them in there own blood... That would be funny... :puke:
do u think emotional instability has anything to do with the facts shown in news? these are no fucking accidents, man! people killing masses!! (and I wasnt ask for death. just for cleaning. for real -positiv- change. and for answer..)
Dora said:
do u think emotional instability has anything to do with the facts shown in news? these are no fucking accidents, man! people killing masses!! (and I wasnt ask for death. just for cleaning. for real -positiv- change. and for answer..)
NO !!! Well, it just have such a big impact on you...:erk:

What would happen if you cleaned (Cleaning in this case means genocide. I don´t think that involving water in the act of drowning someone makes it to a clean way of killing somebody.) away the "filthy people" out there... Some will survive. The right ones...? How could define what is the right and the wrong behaviour...

For me extreme behaviour is the wrong behaviour, because it makes other people to react on you in a extreme way...

Well after the last big flood, not that many things changed in humanity... There are the same patterns. So this draconian punishement didn´t had that big impact on the humanity, only prolonged somehow peoples are turning in circles for centuries...

For me, only the slow change, the adequate change can lead to a good result at the end. You have to take into account that the humanity in its complexity shows a high lethargy when it is time to change some really important things. You have to change there way of thinking, showing them other perspectives... out of what seems so insuperable.

and YES as an answer to your question!!! Somehow people try change things by involving too many emotions or less of them, leading to well ... I don´t know... to wars and on the other hand to a culture that filters everything out that doesn´t fit their picture of a healthy world...

"To be extreme, so it seems is a mental crutch..." Chuck Schuldiner, Death - "Human"

Yes, it is a mental crutch not nessecary when it is time to handle the problems of our cultures and our cohabitation.

P.S.: I also often have the feeling that I have to clean something, rebuild something... in a way... like destroy... erase... improve... especially in summer time... :err: clean myself ?!!
fine, but after that stupid flood idea made by god, does anyone know any real solution?

(i know..
dunc has "a solution..
a final solution".. :) )
Wowwww, strange,... I think somehow "The Matrix" changed in the last seconds...

Haven´t you typed "you" have a solution instead of "dunc"... Hmmmm,...

There is a final solution indead... Could probably leading into a big drowning if the amount of water is high enough a human beeing could squeeze out of one of its twin glandulas. (cranial location)...

But maybe we just have to ignore the evil... or first learn to learn in a different way, first more about us and then about the people that are surrounding us... these two-faced sick devils... these people are the problems and the ability of our human brain to surpress things that shouldn´t be surpressed...

uhhhh, well I said to much...

I think I lost the time again...:err:
Please ignore my last post... it somehow is a bit, I don´t know...

STRANGE ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?o_O

... but maybe you wouldn´t recognize the meaning of it anyway...
intet said:
there was no damn flood. for fucks sake.

You are wrong... well it wasn´t just one flood, but in every old culture there were big floods, that were killing many people... For these people it was the revengefull hand of god that caused this flood... Uh...

But it also isn´t that important for what the thread really is about...

It is about the reason why ...
My Dying Bride - Like Gods Of The Sun

"All swept away"

Sickness often, often attends me.
I'm ruled by pain
Tortured memories burning my brain. Oh, make it end
Killed for nothing. Killed by no-one. I was just a boy
Weak and lonely, cold and bloody. Give me a hand
Cared by many, but I know none.
My life has gone
Rage and anger tearing through me.
Who's God will pay?
Made me fight for you. Made me die for you
You and your sick God.
You hope to be loved
We're all swept away, so you can have your day
On blooded knees for you. Heaven calls to you
But I won't die without
Without your heart
In my hand

Doesn´t it fit somehow ? Maybe too much anger at the end. Strong emotions can blind you somehow...