I hate who palys bass with pick.....

Ever heard of a guy named Chris Squire from a tiny, unknown band called "YES". My man rip's it up with a pick!!! Check out "Relayer" or "Close to the Edge" and you'll get the point. Although I use my fingers, I think using a pick adds a different dimension in attack on the string.
So you hate me, cause I'm mainlly a pick player. But this does not mean I can't finger pick, actually I can do the 3 fingers style pretty fast, but, when you play in a Brutal Death Metal band doing the vocals and covering the lines alone when your guitar player is soloing, cause there's just one guitar in my band, you see how usefull is a pick.

Don't underestimate a pick, man. As said the master: "Don't stick to one technique, but master them all".
C'mon Mr.5FireStrings...don't be so narrow minded. As soon as you say something is "the best" you're going to get taken to the hoop with someone or something out there that smokes it. If you prefer pizzacato over plectrum. Well fine, most of us do. But man you're asking for it when you want to confront your beliefs with others who feel as strongly about the opposite.
I don't take sides on this one. Like the funny hat guy above said, I said, master it all. Be good with fingers and pick. Because I for one am a huge Chris Squire guy and he was all pick. I'm a huge Geezer guy and he was like 50/50 pick/fingers. And I'm a huge Steve Harris/Geddy Lee guy and they're all fingers. So to me, it's ALL good in the neighborhood!
Man, no one can't say that Joey DeMaio(MANOWAR), or Markus Grosskopf(HELLOWEEN) are not good bass guitar players just beacuse they play with pick...!!!
It's not really that important if You play with pick or fingers, it's all about, what suits the most for Your style of playing and the sound that suits You and You're style of playing.
If You're a bass player, You shoul know that there are really some things You can't play only with Your fingers, You just have to use a pick. Maybe I'm wrong, but I play bass guitar for almost 9 years, 5-6 hours a day (less or more), and for me there are still some things I just can't play only with my fingers, or maybe I'm just a loser with no talent at all...:):):):):):)
Originally posted by Higon
when you play in a Brutal Death Metal band doing the vocals and covering the lines alone when your guitar player is soloing, cause there's just one guitar in my band, you see how usefull is a pick.

What's your name?? Alex Camargo?? :D
Originally posted by israel
What's your name?? Alex Camargo?? :D

No, but HE is the man when you come to playing and singing. Have you heard their last album?? Holy crap! Fucking cool. A way cool. Trully amazing. I love Krizium man, thats for sure! I've talked to him in a Bar when he came to play here, fine person and huge fellow in size.

I have heard that in the very beggining of Krizium he used to play Finger picking. Is that true??:eek: