i have a chance to live the life of music

Aborted Fetus

Die Eier Von Satan
Try to do both if you can (that's what I'm aiming for). Definitely give the band a shot, but if that doesn't work out, remember that school WILL be the one thing you can rely upon. If it doesn't work out with the band right now, you can always finish school, and then start/join a band later when you have a job that will allow you to live your life (i.e. supporting yourself). Since you're still under your parents' roof, you have to respect their opinion, which will probably be something like, "You've got to be kidding me! Do you know how many bands out there fail? You can't possibly do that for a living!" But once you're out on your own, you won't have to answer to them anyway.

So yeah, if you can manage both school and the band, I highly recommend you to do that. If band practice conflicts with classes, reschedule the practices. After all, you're 1/3 of the band, so you should have a say in scheduling things like that.

Anyway, good luck.

Only join the band if you can still stay in school and it doesn't interfere with classes.
I'm back in school now after taking a leave to do band stuff and I do regret it. Nothing productive happened while I was away, so basically I would have graduated by now and be able to do as I please.
Instead I find myself going back to school AND playing in a serious band, and altho I'm glad I have that luxury, I am upset about the fact that I could be out there looking for a real job with a nice degree while playing in a band.

I basically feel like I set myself back. I mean my guitar ensemble teacher is now a graduate student who joined my University after me... hehe
yeah basically it just comes down too, dont leave school because music is almost impossible to make a career out of, especially metal music. So do it as a side thing with school, otherwise, like Charlie said, youll just be set back

but good luck man :headbang:
ima be the first to come and say this but...FUCK SCHOOL. school will always be there. fucked up jobs that you hate will always be there. great band opertunites wont always be there. take a chance if you've got the nuts. if your mom gives you a 'my way or the highway' type of thing get a job and move out. i mean if you can do school and band at the same time even better...but if you let this go and stay in school...how many times will you think about it and fucking kick yourself? its a tough choice, but you gotta make the decicion you can LIVE with.
School might always be there, but who wants to go back to school when they're 30 and didn't get anywhere with a band?

If you get school out of the way you can work while playing in a band and not have to worry about finishing up school and getting your degree. You can constantly look ahead, and not have to turn back.