life, jobs etc.

bleed for me

Sep 9, 2001
Brooklyn, NY
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i was wondering everyone's occupation is...what job do u have or are you in university or high school etc.

if your in university or high school, what do u study and what are you planning to do with you life?

the reason i ask this is because i'm almost 16 now and i have to choose what subjects i take for my A levels...these subject choices are supposed to have some relevance with what i want to do for a living

i intend to be happy in life and that is my primary goal...the thing is that i've realized that the only thing that makes me happy and motivates me is music...i have a serious problem with procrastination and laziness when it come to anything that doesn't have anything to do with music, this affects my grades. I'm not a bad student, i get mainly B's with some A's and the odd C, but i've been told throughout my life that i have the potential to do more

my dream in life would to play in a band but i don't know if i that's possible, therefore i need to find something else to do that has something to do with metal music...the only other things i can think of is maybe working for a magazine or a record company or some form of advertising/media work. So what other jobs are there out there?

Make some good decisions for future subjects, but try not to limit yourself. Although society expects all 16 year olds to know what to do with their life, ive heard it said that most adults would never have guessed they'd end up in the job/career they are in. So just go with what works.

Working around music is something i hoped to do, but couldnt see any way to do it so i stuck with the other things im good at that pay well.... computers. I hope that once i get a job i can still realise that my life isnt my job, but with the hours people work i guess it does become your life, but whatever im still not really sure what i want to do and im just going with the flow like so many other people my age seem to be doing (20). So yeh im at uni doing computing. I took a year off to figure out what i wanted to do with my life and all i figured out was that i wanted to do something, because doing nothing every day got lonely and boring.

Now that i have a serious band i can also afford to start being a bit more hopeful about getting somewhere with that, and maybe one day being able to live off it, but i doubt it. But even tonight my band was talking about making a commercial shitty pub band, because it would be so easy to do around here, and although the music wouldnt be so great theres still enough alright commercial songs out there, and anyway playing in a shitty band for money sounds pretty good when compared with the alternative jobs i could get atm! In this way id be using music to for both a job and for enjoyment/artistic expression, without combining the two things which would be stupidy and sillyey and dumby.
You can travel like me:D
4 years and counting. I'll be in Hong Kong shortly btw.... any big gigs playing in the next couple of weeks?
How can any 16 year old have a clue what they want to be when they grow up? It sucks having to design an education around a "maybe I want to be that". If money is so important to you - then you'll have to limit your ideas to those jobs with $$ potential - which you may not like.

I'm a Certified Public Accountant and an IT Manager. I make decent money. My brother is a truck driver. His money situation is tight. I had no clue what I wanted to be until my 3rd year in college. My brother wanted to be a truck driver all his life. I hate working - and have never truely liked my job. My brother absolutely loves what he does. So I have money to buy bigger toys, but am not happy with work. My brother has little money to buy toys, but enjoys waking up to go to work.

I love toys and gadgets - but I have grown to appreciate the importance of contentment and enjoyment more - something money can't buy. So if I had any advice at all - you're stuck with going with your heart. And at 16 - with parents and others telling you what you could be - makes it all the more harder to make your own decision. Who says "they" are any more right than you? Do what they say - in 10 years you may be miserable. Go with your heart - in 10 years you may be miserable : but at least it was your choice, and you won't have anybody else to blame but yourself. At least listen to the advice of the "elders" around you - especially your parents. They may have good ideas - which will at least help you make your own decision.
I'm studying on computer engineering at the Golden Horn University in Istanbul/Turkey. I don't have any plans for the future and I don't care much about living or dying. I just play the cards I'm dealt, and wait and see what life throws me next.
Listen to metalmancpa on this one. I first enter a collegue to get an electronics degree cause of the money involve and my relative tolerance to phisic and math grades, however i got so annoyed i had to drop out. Then i decided ok i want to do something with computers, i use them so much they have become an extension of me and i want to be around them all the time. But again a money making oportunity choise made me choose a degree that was mainly a degree for management complemented by computing, and i couldnt tolerate the annoyances of management and accounting it drived me crazy. I dropped again. Now im very happy about my degree, it is not a professional degree is merely a technical degree, but it cuts out the crap and you start taking things like c++ from day one. The money i will make is considerable less, but the peace of mind i will have is considerably more. I sometimes regret that i could have made this choise 3 years ago and saved me a lot of trouble, but then again what does a 17 year old knows about what he wants? absolutely nothing.

If at all possible you should take a year or more off.
I did two years of Film Production in college, moved to Halifax, and haven't found a good film job.

In two weeks I'm moving to Toronto, and I hope to find some kind of work in the industy there (stills photographer, camera department).. I have no idea where the future will take me..

I sometimes like that uncertainty, but it really isn't for everyone. I'd say plan to study towards something you genuinely enjoy, and work for money until you have the chance to do what you really want.

money sucks, but you can't really live without it. :mad:

"...plunging to anywhere but here.."
The year I got out of high school, I moved to Northern Canada, got a job doing oil & gas pipeline construction, saved a shitload of money and since then I've just picked up the odd job here and there to keep myself financed. I usually try to find jobs that pay well, work like a mad bastard for a few months and then fuck off for half a year or so on the proceeds. The plan this time is to slowly make my way across Asia to Europe, where I'll hopefully find a job late this autumn.
Having two nationalities (Canadian & Dutch) helps me to get working visas a little easier than you will with an American passport, but if you are persistant, there are plenty of places you can work abroad as well (it doesn't always have to be legal).
I certainly advocate this lifestyle for someone looking for more than a 9 to 5 rat race.
He's one of those nasty English teachers..

aren't you??


Cool.. so's my sister (but she's in Slovakia right now..)

If you aren't actually an English teacher, please disregard this tired/stoned post.. :loco:
Originally posted by Duvall

*guiltily lowers head* yes *gulp*
But I swore I was finished with that racket when I left Japan. (Actually I said it when left Taiwan a year before that, too) OK I did it for the money.. I'm a whore!!!
Soul-less occupation.

I am searching for a 'path' that has a soul, like art, or music. But I just quit my job at a recording studio, so i am unemployed at the moment, and I have not the confidence to get another 'soul-less' job.
I tried studying broadcasting, but found out it was more fun as a hobby than a career.

I did the band thing until it burned me out.

I did factory work because it was fairly good and stable money, and nearly lost my mind from the boredom.

Then I started taking some make-up high school courses by correspondence, adult schools, and even going back to a normal high school because I thought I would like to study science and maybe become a vet. I gave up that idea because I refuse to dissect anything, and I'm too emotional about cats to see them sick and dying all the time.

After all that I decided to go into English. I'd wanted to do this in my early teens before the science, broadcasting and music ideas took over, but gave it up because an English degree didn't seem practical.
I'm in an applied program (Rhetoric and Professional Writing), but I really don't care what kind of job I can get with this - though I've learned there are a lot more opportunities than just journalist and English teacher. I love university because I'm studying a subject that I love, and right now I'm just trying to do things with my life that feel meaningful. I'm broke, but as long as we can manage to pay the bills before they go to collection agencies I don't really care.

What a novel this is... Moral of the story? Make enough money to live, but don't choose a career that will eat up your soul. And don't worry about making the wrong decision now, because you don't have to stick with it if it's the wrong thing for you. It's taken me a long time to get to this point, and I can appreciate it more because of all that's come before.
When I was little, back in the mid-80's, I wanted to be a computer consultant like my father (if the fighter pilot plans didn't fal through, of course. :p), but with everyone studying computers these days, that has changed... and I've worked shorter periods of time in the computer business (assistant to a consultant; trouble-shooting, installing hardware, installing software, giving advice etc.) and I decided that while I like that line of work now, I probably wont in a couple of years and I see the troubles my dad get trying to find work these days (he has his own company)... clients want these fresh young consultants and don't care about his 25 years of expertise (well, often they don't. he's been offered jobs in the US, which required us to move, but this is from people who don't know his age).

No, I'm an IB student... not pursuing a career in computers. I've thought about psychology (but I try not limiting myself too much, so I study physics), but changed my mind back to my old dream of studying linguistics and history. I wouldn't make a lot of money, sure, but I'd probably be happy... and most lines of work in those areas, you're more and more accepted, the older you get. :) No, but seriously... I'm willing to devote the rest of my life to Indo-European studies.
I can relate to you in a way... I was always a MAJOR procrastinator (still am really) and was always more interested in playing music (or playing video games) than school work and the like... That fact has DEFINATELY effected my future and if I could go back and somehow change that and actually have applied myself better in school, perhaps going to college, I think I'd be better off right now... But anyways, I've done alright... I've always played video games, so that got me interested in programming, so I taught myself how to program... Of course, I learned to program because I wanted to WRITE video games... Well, that hasn't happened yet, however the knowledge DOES allow me to work for myself writing programs for companies that need custom applications... I still plan to write games, however... So, actually, now that I think about it, I guess I wouldn't go back in time and change anything... (Well, maybe some of it, lol!) Life is wierd like that... The best thing you can do is try to make the best of what you have at your disposal and try not to ever limit yourself unnecessarily... (I.e. If you love music and can play guitar or some other instrument, don't give it up if you don't absolutely have to... You never know what the future holds for you...)


DISCLAIMER: There is the possibility that anything I may have just said could royally fuck your life up... Use any given advice at your own risk...
When I was young, I wanted to be a fighter pilot. Until I found that I was too dumb for that.

So I decided to do computers.

I did computing subjects in school, along with advanced mathematics, physics.. etc.

Flew threw highschool, in the 86th percentile, and got into a Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Computing at university. A huge 5 year course.

Did that for one year. Hated it, quit.

Then I did computing for one year on it's own.

Hated it, quit.

$5000 university fees down the track, I have nothing, no more goals, no money and nothing. No hope for a job above tedious back break ass raping physical work, and no hope of anything.

So, if your career is ahead of you, and you are deciding what to do, kill your mum, and then kill yourself.