
^Not if you keep posting on here you won't:p
Naw, i don't know what your situation is at work but a job i had a few years back i was on UM, It ruled, but i got nothing accomplished.

It's called multi-tasking sweetie :)

I'm at the reception desk so no-one knows I'm on here. They might transfer me to the Processing Department though, which would be good.
I've got four weeks left of working at the estate. Hopefully I'll start off higher than $8 per hour next year if I work there again.
I actually wish I had taken a year off. It would have benefited me greatly to see the mistakes my friends made during freshman year and prevented me from making some of the same ones myself. This applies to me specifically rather than a general rule however because, among other things, no one in my family has ever attended college before. I also tend to have a do-it-yourself attitude toward everything so I had very little guidance going into college resulting in my freshman year being a complete disaster.
Well as I said, everyone is different. What did you do if you don't mind my asking?
And who would that be? My reasoning behind is that a year removed from academia might dull your desire to return to such an intense environment like college. Also it opens an age difference between you and your classmates. It's not huge, but I had a couple friends who were 20-21 year old freshmen and you could tell they were becoming sick of the immaturity of the 18 year olds towards the end of the year. Might as well endure that while you yourself are that way too.
The experts? I dunno, obviously. Some form of authorities or some such. Doesn't really matter - I didn't base my decision on that (or even factor it in). But I'm on the young side for my grade - 17 in senior year, many/most are 18 - and I'll be 19 going into freshman year, so I won't be too old. Also, I'm taking off after high school - wouldn't call that academia. And working a minimum wage job for a year may motivate me to study harder and come out with better prospects.

Really if it's financially viable to go straight to college you should do it. It's a blast, why delay it?
It is mostly financially viable, but it'll be a big help to give my parents an extra year to save and also for me to put some money away for discretionary spending (such as food and metal).

Just found out my teacher/trainer for the new job used to live in the Robert Taylor homes, gangbanged and sold drugs. Great role model:rolleyes:
He can teach you so much about life.

oh fuck yes. Boss said he wants to boost me up another $1.50 after just being given a $2.50 raise.
Lucky bastard.
Was an intern software developer for Lockheed up until a month ago. Now I am doing the same thing at Symantec. I love it, my boss doesn't show up until 2-4pm and as long as my work gets done no one makes sure I even exist.