Results of extreme boredom.

Alongside Death

On The Descent To Hell
Oct 9, 2005
Like this thread. I am curious what you people do when you are extremely bored. I don't mean regular activities like listening to metal or reading books. Were you so bored you've done something you would never expect from yourself? When I am extremely bored I just destroy my voice and growl some death metal songs. I often act like a retarted person while being alone at home. :lol: Fucking dance while going down the stairs. Once I learned to shoot with my balls, just shake a leg strongly and your balls will shoot, at least mine does. A valuable skill, makes people laugh. Today at work I was looking at people and started to growl about how fucked up they are. So... what you do when you are extremely bored? :)
Internet solves all boredom, as does metal.

When I'm sick of sitting around I often go for walks, with or without the handy-dandy iPod wreaking havoc on my ears.
Internet solves all boredom, as does metal.

When I'm sick of sitting around I often go for walks, with or without the handy-dandy iPod wreaking havoc on my ears.
The answer is so obvious.

Bored? With the internet? And a broadband connection? You've gotta be fucking kidding me!

Probably the most extreme boredom I had, minus the internet or w/e, was pulling pranks on people. It got expensive; payphone for prank calls, buying cheap ice cream and throwing it at people from the top of a car parking lot... its not like I have much use for spare change anywyas.
I exercise. The problem is that I'm so easily entertained that being that bored is pretty rare for me. I should probably, you know, start exercising with some degree of regularity one of these days. So I don't end up being stuck inside the house.