What Have You Been For The Last Year?

I graduated, got three degrees, and have remained jobless with said degrees for over six months now! Other than failing in the job world, I've discovered that my own cynicism hampered my relationship with the woman I love; tie that in with severe depression and all around jackassery, it's easy to see why I now call myself shit-for-brains.


Positive things?
Well, I've applied (and gotten accepted) to another Uni. I've become a bit tougher to crack when stress decides to settle around me, and I've gotten far more politically active than I have ever been in my life. I'm thinking about changing my major, maybe towards a science of some sort (physics/chemistry, maybe something specializing in genetic engineering) or political science. I still plan on getting my double bach degree though.
:cry: Support from me, bromaldehyde
I'm sure there are New Jersey natives that aren't condescending. I guess it just turns out that the people I've met from New Jersey happen to be condescending to a degree (not when it comes to music, either). Dodens is probably the most condescending I've encountered though.

The internet is serious business, indeed.

Why are you so humorously stupid as to actually think that everyone on the internet is really the same both on and off? I'm "condescending" only because it amuses me, and because I've been here long enough to be able to get away with it. You would too if you've been here as long as I have amongst people that are as stupid as those here. But you wouldn't know that my behavior here is unique with respect to my general disposition, because you only need to know enough about somebody to make a snap judgment. It doesn't matter whether or not whatever I'm saying is blatantly insincere, as long as the actual denotation of the words typed amounts to something condescending, right?

High five for knowing me so well and observing my behavior on what is essentially a playground and assuming that that defines me entirely, and then be so hilariously small-minded enough as to associate that with a common theme that resonates throughout an entire state. Yes indeed, it is true. You've found us out. New Jersey is just a swelling mass of condescension. It runs in our blood, regardless of whether or not we actually have New Jersey blood. It is so pervasive that it can be felt in the air. Snatch at the sky fast enough and you will find traces of it on your hand.

Please refrain from making such stupid statements in the future.

And please don't take this post so seriously, as you evidently take all of my other posts to heart.
I became more reluctant of Women over the last year. A 3 year relationship which ended abruptly for no good reason & turned into a friendship in where I'm treated like a doormat has changed my view of all Women for the most part. I used to be in way or another trusting of Women until everyone started saying to basically be more careful. So over the last year I've changed my views on Women. I'm no longer a "yes man".
I've become a UM writer (however infrequent my contributions happen to be); I've been in and out of the hospital 5+ times in the last week alone(I hadn't been in the hospital for over 2 years until then); I did quite well academically in school last year and was granted a small scholarship; I worked the same shitty summer job I had before; I've branched out more socially this year (joined my Uni's metal club, met some neighbours, reconnected with an old childhood friend, etc.); I am one year closer to my undergraduate degree in Film Studies and Comm. Studies with 1 6/8 years to go *awaits laughter*; I wrote a new song over the summer, after having been creatively stifled for over a year; I have managed to hold down a part time job while still attending school so far this term

That about does it for me so far. Lain out like that, it appears my year has been quite boring, but during the time I swear it wasn't that bad.