if you had heard it last year, it would have been in your top 10

Ziltoid is fucking awesome if you just laugh along with it. Don't think I've laughed my way through a metal album before. It also has some pretty sexy tracks, Solar winds sticks out for me.

For me Cynic - Focus would have been no 1 album for me (I know I'm about 15 years late in picking this up - saw them at Wacken and loved it. Bring on Opeth/Cynic in london)
Synchestra is one of Devin's best works, behind Terria Infinity and Ocean Machine but still better than all of his SYL stuff and Physicist, Accelerated Evolution, and Ziltoid.
Just started listening to Townsends material in the last month or so and AE seams to be his most solid work. Lot of the SYL stuff winds up sounding the same, not to mention Townsends apparent personal amusement at overusing the word fuck.