And who would that be? My reasoning behind is that a year removed from academia might dull your desire to return to such an intense environment like college. Also it opens an age difference between you and your classmates. It's not huge, but I had a couple friends who were 20-21 year old freshmen and you could tell they were becoming sick of the immaturity of the 18 year olds towards the end of the year. Might as well endure that while you yourself are that way too.
And who would that be? My reasoning behind is that a year removed from academia might dull your desire to return to such an intense environment like college. Also it opens an age difference between you and your classmates. It's not huge, but I had a couple friends who were 20-21 year old freshmen and you could tell they were becoming sick of the immaturity of the 18 year olds towards the end of the year. Might as well endure that while you yourself are that way too.
Just found out my teacher/trainer for the new job used to live in the Robert Taylor homes, gangbanged and sold drugs. Great role model![]()