I have a Maiden band for my B-day Bash

Danny rctv

Girl Band Geek!
May 22, 2002
San Francisco
Man setting up My B-day bash as a rager just fell apart. We're still putting the show on but I'm not totally satisfied with the bands I'm settling for. As a favor to the club booker we ended up adding an Iron Maiden tribute band after all Ancient Mariner who are local. heres' their site http://www.uptheancients.com/Ancient_Mariner/Home.html I wanted the iron maidens dammit butthey'll be in Texas!
Kind of weird. I just ha dthese 2 local bands when eevryone else was flaking on me and then the chick that books the club said she had a band she was promising a show to & it turned out it was Ancient Mariner. Not my pick but we're settling for them!