I have a problem...

I'm in a 2 apartment building with a a crazy neighbor upstairs(She's a bitch) and I can't practice my vocals unless she leaves which is rare considering she has almost no life or I go to a band rehersal I get good one day then I start to suck because I can't practice my vocals. It's very discouraging since I can't afford to move out for god knows how long.

Dammit I can't even have company over without worring about us laughing to much or talking too loud every as to be a dull roar without a single pin drop. I've lived with this for over a year along with clinical depression and other shit I just can't deal with it. It's even got to the point where I've forgotten how to have fun how. There's so much more but I'd type a novel. Is there anything I can do about this?
  • Plot a plan to MAKE her leave somehow (bedsheet on your head or whatever).
  • Stop giving a shit and just do what you please.
  • Kill the bitch.
biggsy said:
Just organise a time when you practice and let her know so you can coordinate it with her. Maybe she'll let you if you be polite and courteous.

That's gotta be the most non-metal suggestion I've ever seen. :lol:
biggsy said:
Just organise a time when you practice and let her know so you can coordinate it with her. Maybe she'll let you if you be polite and courteous.

Tried that one but she got nosy and got into my business. I could get into all the things she does but I'll save it because I don't want to ruin my mood I'm feeling okay right now (listening to Nevermore it's kickass as usual).
Aarohi said:
Stop giving a shit and just do what you please..

I tried a while back that she was outraged and dropped what I believe was a sement block on the floor repediatly for about two hours.

Another thing that's noteworthy is she said herself to my mom that "All this is more because I can't be happy myself" which just tore it with me, that is no reason for her to compromise our lives it's mostly me that's effected because I'm the one that's home most of the time but it's a pain in the ass for my mom too because she still has to deal with my problems she lives with me. I'm turning 18 on the 23rd and despratly trying to find someone I can stay with for a while until I find my own place which is going to be quite a challenge because I dropped out of highschool (was doped up on meds and couldn't do my work anymore) arg anyway yeah you can tell I'm emotionally stable right now :rolleyes:
The Uppance Has Come said:
I'm in a 2 apartment building with a a crazy neighbor upstairs(She's a bitch) and I can't practice my vocals unless she leaves which is rare considering she has almost no life or I go to a band rehersal I get good one day then I start to suck because I can't practice my vocals. It's very discouraging since I can't afford to move out for god knows how long.

Dammit I can't even have company over without worring about us laughing to much or talking too loud every as to be a dull roar without a single pin drop. I've lived with this for over a year along with clinical depression and other shit I just can't deal with it. It's even got to the point where I've forgotten how to have fun how. There's so much more but I'd type a novel. Is there anything I can do about this?
Kick dat bitch in da face and say "Bitch, Im'o practice my shit, and you ain't gown' do shit to stop my shit!! BITCH!!"

Or next time she bothers you, just ask her to stop being a bitch and handle it the way normal people would and ignore it.
ahh, troublesome neighbors, i remember two years ago living in this really nice 3 story apartment on the top floor. the floor below us has alot of anger issues and always goes upstairs to our place and complains about us walking around, talking, and arguing loudly. we moved because of they reported us to the landlords.
The Uppance Has Come said:
... I'm turning 18 on the 23rd and despratly trying to find someone I can stay with for a while until I find my own place...

Just wait till that happens my friend. You can get all the freedom you want once you move out.
The Uppance Has Come said:
I tried a while back that she was outraged and dropped what I believe was a sement block on the floor repediatly for about two hours.

That is so fucked.

Well, if I were you, i ould just stab her in the throat.