I have just received ... in the mail! Post pics of your new treasures!


was a belated xmas gift in my book. one of my best friends owns one of those glorious amps and was going back to college. he goes out of state i stay in state now.

So we were at his going away party and the amp was basically sitting right there in the middle of the living room, and so the conversation went like this:

Jinn: Say bro that's a niiiiice amp you got there. :)

BFF: Hell yes it is. too bad I won't be able to take it with me this time.

Jinn: Oh really... What do you plan on doing with it? :hypno:

BFF: I was going to put it in storage.... but i need to keep the tubes in good shape. Why don't you hang on to it? I don't know when i'll be back to be honest with you.

Jinn: :OMG:

So yea, i got my favorite amp in the world for free. :rock:
Yeah, it's a good album, darker and less 'sweet' melodies.I have not listened to it yet, not that I'm not curious, but I don't really 'trust' my vinyl player, I'm afraid it will damage my records. I'll have to have it checked out.

Yeah definitely a darker approach.

And regardless, I'm going to buy that single...It's cheaper buying stuff from Blood Harvest in Sweden than from a distro out here...I want to pick up that Denial lp, Necrovorous ep and the Goddefied single.

Bloodharvest is probably the best label going right now, next to NWN, Invictus, Iron Pegasus, Iron Tyrant, Hell's Headbangers, and High Roller....I kept going :)
peavey amps kicks major arse.
Too bad my speaker is fsked up though.. need to buy a new one, but i am too cheap.

never had better tone in my life currently. The only thing i need to complete my setup is a GT 10 for delays and shit, and a marshall cab loaded with vintage greenback 30's
Never heard better tone? Check out Soldano SLO 100, the amp that 5150 is modeled after. I mean I can think of a ton of amps with better tone, but for that voicing that makes for an easy comparison. Lots of good things have come from the 5150; however, the Soldano smokes it easily.
soldanos are by far amazing amps and I'll admit that they're better than the 6505+. Engl amps as well if you get the right one, but there's just something magical about the 6505+ that keeps me attached to it. I've just always played amazing on that amp.

I've checked out Soldanos before, but they've never really made me want to play on it like the 6505+ if that makes any sense :ill:
soldanos are by far amazing amps and I'll admit that they're better than the 6505+. Engl amps as well if you get the right one, but there's just something magical about the 6505+ that keeps me attached to it. I've just always played amazing on that amp.

I've checked out Soldanos before, but they've never really made me want to play on it like the 6505+ if that makes any sense :ill:

The other guitarist in my band uses an Engl. It sounds so badass. I still prefer the sound my Laney GH100L has though. Just something about it :)
Nice work on the amp though, total win!
Yeah definitely a darker approach.

And regardless, I'm going to buy that single...It's cheaper buying stuff from Blood Harvest in Sweden than from a distro out here...I want to pick up that Denial lp, Necrovorous ep and the Goddefied single.

Bloodharvest is probably the best label going right now, next to NWN, Invictus, Iron Pegasus, Iron Tyrant, Hell's Headbangers, and High Roller....I kept going :)
I listened to the Goddefied EP yesterday night, it sounds really heavy and dark, totally old school :)
i may order the bioshock 2 collectors edition, it comes with the soundtrack on vinyl, and i loved the atmosphere the first one created

You sir win 100 internets for that. I preordered it the day it was available for pre order, bioshock 1 is hands down my favorite game of the generation so far, It is all around awesome and just BLEEDS phenomenal atmosphere.
i may order the bioshock 2 collectors edition, it comes with the soundtrack on vinyl, and i loved the atmosphere the first one created

Ahh, good ol' Bioshock 2, aka "the most unnecessary sequel of all time." You gotta somewhat know they'll never top the awe inspiring freshness of Rapture the first time through. Not to mention five studios(not one of them the original) working on one title is a bit sketchy to say the least.