I fully agree with you, listen to what you want,
but in the burzum case it can actually be a political statement.
I you know that a bit of the money he makes from the albums goes into nazi politics/organisations etc. perhaps it feels wrong even if you like the music.
(im not saying burzum does give money/support to nazi political organizations, just that it can matter)
Moron.well put my thoughts into words,
I might just add that his music, went full electronic because he calaimed that guitars are an instrument which is not of aryan origin therefore he stopped using them. that sounds like a statement to me.
It's not fucking relevant if you like or dislike their material, and saying stuff like "Varg on the other hand is, and always was a complete moron capable of creating only garbage" is dumb since as we all know (some of us at least) that taste is subjective.
Wrong. What's dumb is being unaware of what you're saying. "if you guys hate Burzums work because he's a murderer what's your opinion on Roman Polandski?" I think I've made it pretty clear that there are also other factors as to why I dislike his work. If your work is an extension of you then you're not going to be able to create anything beyond your means. I don't think Varg has the mental capacity to understand that what he's done is wrong, whereas Roman probably deep down has some regret for what he's done. One man is a complete moron, and the other has some major faults. Like I said, the quality of their work also reflects the person.
Like I said, the quality of their work also reflects the person.
^burzum had some alright stuff, they arent the greatest thing ever though
i always loved old black metal for its potential, and its given us at least a few good bands....agalloch, wolves in the throne room, ulver, etc
I don't assume to know about their regrets, but I have seen videos with Varg stating he has no remorse for what he's done. On top of that he's a shithead Nazi. Polanski is a concentration camp survivor, who lost his family during that time. Then he lost his wife, and unborn child to that psychopath Manson. Now it doesn't excuse him for what he's done, but I think he's just as much a victim of the shitty world we live in. Varg on the other hand is completely delusional in thinking he's part of a select chosen people. That just shows me he doesn't know shit about the world after all he's done. As art is a reflection on your view of the world, that just shows me anything Varg can create with that primative cerebral cortex of his is complete rubbish.On one hand we have a murdering nazi who did his time in prison on the other a man who druged a minor, had sex with her and then fled away and lived a life with a shitload of cash untill now. If I were to decide who was the worst person I would go with Poladski. I also dont think the way Polandski have acted shows any regret at all. Varg did at least face up to his crimes.
I love the fact that you think you know anything about Vargs and Poladskis regrets.
Ikuinen Kaamos are teh sex!
there is no "are"in burzum is just a one man's band:Smug:
I don't assume to know about their regrets, but I have seen videos with Varg stating he has no remorse for what he's done. On top of that he's a shithead Nazi. Polanski is a concentration camp survivor, who lost his family during that time. Then he lost his wife, and unborn child to that psychopath Manson. Now it doesn't excuse him for what he's done, but I think he's just as much a victim of the shitty world we live in. Varg on the other hand is completely delusional in thinking he's part of a select chosen people. That just shows me he doesn't know shit about the world after all he's done. As art is a reflection on your view of the world, that just shows me anything Varg can create with that primative cerebral cortex of his is complete rubbish.
I'm done because there's absolutely no defense for that piece of trash. Thus it's pointless to even argue if you don't see the picture by now.
Burzum to me sounds like a five year old with a tape recorder not even taking into consideration what he's done. Second I think you missed my point entirely. Being a deviant doesn't automatically make your art garbage. Being ignorant however does.