It's not fucking relevant if you like or dislike their material, and saying stuff like "Varg on the other hand is, and always was a complete moron capable of creating only garbage" is dumb since as we all know (some of us at least) that taste is subjective. Lisra said something on the lines that he does not like Burzum because he's a murderer. Polandski did admit that he did fuck that girl and that he did give her alcohol. So what's the problem with my question Lisra? Please fucking enlighten me.
Calm down man.
I said that because Varg is a complete hack. Have you read the book "Lords of Chaos?" and similar stuff? Even if 2/3 whats in there is fabricated or made-up it would still prove that Varg is completly off his head and has rejoiced in stupid satanism, odinism, right wing junk and other delightful activities, but not in that order. He killed someone for lesser reasons (no idea how to better translate, sorry), made a moron of himself during court and his continued to spew shit from prison (read some of his writing on his site for example).
What Polanski did was also wrong, I'm not debating that. It does, however, seem different to me in the circumstances.
He didn't kill a former friend for money/envy/or whatever the reasons were.
He did rape and drug a child, true, but he has lived through enough to be traumatized for good so that is mitigating circumstance (may not be for you, that's a matter of opinion). Varg has no such background, if I'm not mistaken.
The victim recently said she has forgiven him. What relevance that has is up to you.
Thr crux however is that Varg is a nazi and as such is dangerous. There are enough morons who are drawn to the extreme nature of black metal (and a lot of non-morons, lets not forget) and may thus come under bad influence. Supporting Varg means supporting that and so nazi-propaganda.
Anyone who says he does not care and only enjoys his music needs to open his fucking eyes.
Or of course pirate the music.
bluesky is right
Never seen a Polanski movie, now that I think about it. Huh.