I have just received ... in the mail! Post pics of your new treasures!





I'm hoping it turns into a grower. First few listens.. it hasn't struck yet. I really want stuff more in the vein of the Come Reap ep or Christ Or Cocaine/I'll Be Your Ghost...etc...but I'm gonna give it some more time.
Holiday mail came by slowly on some of these, but glad they came at all!!!


Sabbat and Amon Amarth are 1st presses, new. Got In Rock again since the American version doesn't include the intro to Speed King, weird.

Key box set
So I "borrowed" my dads old Pioneer from the 70s and fixed it up..

And picked up my old LPs, I was just a kid when I got Animalize and Stay Hungry. :)

I got Shout at the Devil from my uncle in the late 80's, I barely listened to it then but I love it now.

These I picked up the last weeks.

And I got this today :dopey:

I think I have to change needle or pickup or something on my recordplayer cause the highs are kinda noisy and dirty.
I can't afford it either but I somehow manage to buy them. Actually the record stores around here are quite good. Especially around the college areas...people just throw in their whole collection and most of the time, even rare records that cost between 50-200$ you can get for mere dollars.

But by the show of things, seems like cds are getting a little more expensive these days on the record store/ebay/auction market...which is fine for me. Hopefully the hipsters move on to something else so new vinyl will be a little cheaper.
it also seems (at least from what i’ve seen) that collecting vinyls in the US is quite cheaper, when buying online (compared to europe). i visited numerous online record shops based in US and usually they always have free domestic shipping (which is never the case here), but most of all records are pretty cheaper than an average record in europe (an example would be comparing prices between the US Earache shop and the european one).
sure, sometimes the difference in cost might be minimal if we're talking about a vinyl or two but if the quantity is bigger, the cost difference is significant.
sometimes i’ve ordered vinyls from the US and it costed me way less (both the actual price of the vinyl AND the shipping) than if i had ordered it from somewhere in europe.
Hi all, I got another question for vinyl experts...

What do you think about and how your experiences are with coloured vinyls?
How they stand compared to standard black vinyls in terms of quality (pressing, sound...)?

I never had a chance to play coloured lp's so far.
Clear is actually the "normal" colour of record (its PVC remember), so they always sound fine imo, obviously it depends on the pressing aswell but some coloured ones I've heard haven't sounded that great