I have just received ... in the mail! Post pics of your new treasures!

The new needle sounds much cleaner, but a bit darker or warmer, if the makes sense, but defenitely cleaner.
Various stuff


Really happy with the Virgin Steele reissues at SPV


Got Wolves In The Throne Room stuff at the show.


And a major want - the original Negura Bunget cassette tapes


From left to right:
Makrothumia (a Negura Bunget side project in the early days)
Negura Bunget - Zirnindu-sa (first album - Bestial Records)
Negura Bunget - Sala Molksa (subsequent EP - Bestial Records)
Negura Bunget - Maiastru Sfetnic (second album - Bestial Records)
I placed an order 1 week ago and I was hoping it would be shipped by now, but no word yet. Maybe I worry too much.

Their shipping process takes longer than most sites due to it being a smaller label, so it might take a few weeks to ship. I think it says this on their website somewhere.