I have Mind Revolution !!!

naw, you gotta have the big colorful artwork an shit. make people stop and look and say 'skyfire huh..well that hardcore lookin mofo thinks they're good, i should check em out' thats how it works.
oh. well im told by my preppy pop-punk/emo loving friends that im quite the hardcore looking mofo. so it applies to me at least.
my freind could possibly print up some shirts, since his boss makes signs and shit like that, hes already gonna make a Opeth shirt and prolly hats as well..i just need some ideas( pics ) or something for him to go off of :)
yea I hear that about the huge artwork and shit

one of the only reasons I dont really buy any metal shirts is cause they have these huge pictures or something that cover the whole damn shirt......its really ugly. So please if you make a shirt dont make it have the album cover 1 foot by 1 foot or something, as he said just the Logo and maybe the album name on the back or something like that
my vote is for BIG COLORFUL shirts. thats the way i like em, baby. go big or go home. its also possible to make TWO shirts. a logo one and an album one. people do that shit all the time.
Collector edition Jonas shirts! :lol:

Do one for each of the band members. That'd be pretty damn cool. (expensive as hell, too..) :D
I downloaded everything off of TD except "From Here To Death" and I'll even admit to burning most of them onto CD's, and I probably never would have bought TD without finding the mp3's.

As far as a T-shirt goes, I'd wear anything Skyfire, but what I've got in mind is just "Skyfire" across the front and a bigger picture on the back or something like that.

Taking orders now...

On a serious note though, that is a pretty decent site to make shirts on, for a band or really anything. That's what me band be using. I'm not sure how it would work for overseas orders, but I'm assuming it wouldn't be too problematic.