I have NO clean bras!


Jun 18, 2003
North Carolina
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I have no clean bras... I'm going to stop wearing them all together. Anybody up for a white wet t-shirt contest?

I suggest Pancakes do the same with his undies... Just let it hang man!!!

Some women should MOST DEFINITELY wear a bra. Soem women are quite well endowed, and you don't just let those go flopping around out there. They would be to your belly button by the time you were like 35 or something.

Besides that I don't like when women have small pointy tits and go without a bra. It is just so disgustingly unattractive. Yet nice rounded ones in a pretty demi bra is quite appealing.

No bra usually = long underarm hair and leg hair to match... yuck
Nogie said:
i want! my bras are okay but the whole thing is just annoying to me. :s
i wish my boobs were smaller :( i mean, they're not big, but i just wish they were smaller.

why am i talking about my boobs? no one cares.

i liked it better when you showed me yer boner!
Bumblefoot said:
all women SHOULD wear bras.... sorry... they have better shape when supported :p AND they don't sag over time :p

i like bras...

same goes for yer nutz-guys who were boxers have saggy balls!

you learn something new everyday and sometimes you dont even want to know:loco:
Beast In Flames said:
From what I remember, your boobs look fine :D

And no woman should wish their boobs were smaller! :mad: That's like blasphemy or something.
Most with breasts that are not tiny wish they were smaller. Or maybe I just remember the ones that complain because the rest don't say anything...