I have NO clean bras!

FangsFirst said:
The Dreaded Bray of Doom, then.

Though PMing Mark seems to be tonight's strategy.

Now seriously, while the picture isn't that big of a deal, IanDork still shouldn't have posted it.
Seems like Noga made it quite clear she didn't want it posted again. People should show some respect regardless of whether she once posted it or not.
Nogie said:
a woman is entitled to change her mind. so i changed mine, hence why i deleted it afterwards. and now i ask you not to post it again and to respect my decision and you don't.
nice guys.

Furious B3 (5:14:09 PM): This reminds me of the whole Kobe Byrant thing
Furious B3 (5:14:19 PM): Half way during sex she changes her mind

A man is entitled to change his mind as well. I felt like being respectful then, now I'm just not feelin it.

well this might end up in a big argument

we all know the internet and public forums will not give us privacy,so some people will post things of us without us wanting,yet we are entitled to get some privacy but that would change lots of things.
quite a dilemma
put it further in, then i'll be impressed

or, print a pic of nogas boobs and take a picture of it hanging out of your asscrack, now that'd be cool.