I have no idea how I'm going to do my top 10 of '04


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
It's obvious that going from memory is useless. You need to be listening to the album to make a fair decision -- otherwise you miss that 'spark'. Most importantly, the big question is, has it stood the test of time...

I think it's going to come down to listening to all potential contenders in one sitting and just prioritizing, but I have at least 20 *real* contenders I think, and I do want to keep it to 10 albums just to stay focused.

Some albums have dropped down the list, and others have gone up the ranks. But this could all go out the window when I listen to them back to back!

Megadeth, Drudkh, Runemagick, Into Eternity, Angra...it's all mass confusion in my genre melting pot!!
Drudkh, Ufomammut, Hate Forest, then I'll give up to 7 honorable mentions (if I can think of that many).

Then I'll make another top 10 for 2003, or maybe a top 25. Last year was infinitely better than this year.
I've got a few winners right now, but there is so much more to come:

Arghoslent (I think)
Nokturnal Mortum (I think)
The Chasm
Megiddo (I think)

At the end of the year, I always pile up that year's releases that I bought and listen to all of them, and then make my decision (not that it really matters, heh). Of course, listneing to all of them takes a few days.
You keep away from me mister... :loco:

I've heard that one EP, Wienoidklsro2ilk, and a sample from the new one. Neither sucked, but I won't mind going the rest of my days without hearing him/them again.
Wasn't Arghoslent 2003?

Anyways... I dunno how to go about this top 10 list business anyhow, since I listened to so many non-2004 releases for the first time this year. All the albums on my computer have the year in their tag, and that will help. I have a horrible memory when it comes to having to make lists. I'm also not a music critic like many of you, so I'm not as used to judging albums comparatively.

I know I very much liked Enslaved, Quo Vadis, Woods of Ypres, Frozen Shadows, Ufomammut, maybe Tankard (but I doubt it's up to top 10), Uaral, Finntroll (again, maybe not top 10), and I've heard many more releases which I completely and utterly forget.
I think my list is going to involve most of these...

Ghost - "Hypnotic Underworld" (probably #1)
Legendary Pink Dots - "Whispering Wall"
Mastodon - "Leviathan"
Drudkh - "Autumn Aurora"
Bergthron - "Faust fur Faust"
Neurosis - "The Eye of Every Storm"
Deathspell Omega

Granted, I haven't heard the new: Elend, Isis, Enslaved, Nokturnal Mortum, Astrofaes or Graveland.
New Enslaved is excellent, definitely top 10 contender, along with these:

Into Eternity - Buried In Oblivion
Orphaned Land - Mabool
Fates Warning - FWX
Ayreon - The Human Equation
Jag Panzer - Casting The Stones
Nightingale - Invisible
Insomnium - Since The Day It All Came Down
One Inch Man said:
You keep away from me mister... :loco:

I've heard that one EP, Wienoidklsro2ilk, and a sample from the new one. Neither sucked, but I won't mind going the rest of my days without hearing him/them again.


Hedniskjartad aka Heathen Hearted. Vintersorg is an aquired taste, and I recognize your opinion. And as for the actual topic of this thread, I would definitely throw Evighet/Undergang and Isa onto a top 10 or 2004 list. Isa is suberb.
Isis, Neurosis, YOB, Ministry, Fear Factory, Pig Destroyer, This Ufomammut, Vader, The Ocean, Mar De Grises, Demonoid, Drudkh.
NAD, you would love Isis, as would BWD. I can pretty much guarantee. Let me reiterate, THERE ARE NO SCREAMING VOCALS.

I had forgotten about Bergthron. An excellent album.

I don't like Vintersorg. Then again, my ears are shit-proof. :tickled:
I have that Isis on CD-R, I'll get to it before year end. Actually I have quite a few 2004 releases on CD-R, I should really give them all a serious listen this month.

For anyone keeping tabs, I've purchased most of the CD-Rs I listened to more than 5 times. :tickled:
fotmbm said:
these days

im a big fan of all of his stuff, but quite obviously

OLD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NEW

Hedniskjartad is something special. If only it were a full-length.