I have no idea how I'm going to do my top 10 of '04

Fuck, I forgot about SMR,C and Autumn Aurora, and fuck knows what else! It has been a good year.

New contender (for me anyways):
Nightingale - Invisible. A couple of songs I don't care much for yet, but still great!
I have the new Isis, I've only listened to it once, but it fucking RULES! I loved Oceanic, and obviously it needs many more listens, but I think it will turn out better.

The new Enslaved sounds excellent too, but again, I've only listened to it once.

Best I've heard though are Drudkh and Uaral, which are both absolutely fantastic. Did anyone actually get a copy of he Uaral yet? I meant to order it, but never got round to it. Will do soon though!
I think 2004 owns 2003's ass. But I think how you feel abut a given year depends largely on which are your favorite genres. For instance, I know so many of you were ga-ga over "Chronozon", which I found to be total shit.

I have what will constitute a very strong Top 10, and a lot of honorable mentions.

It's gotten a lot of hype in a very short time... it's a very, very engrossing album. Don't have your hopes too high though... it may ruin the experience for you.
Marksveld said:
im a big fan of all of his stuff, but quite obviously

OLD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NEW

Hedniskhjärtad is something special. If only it were a full-length.
The old stuff feels like (walking in?) the majestic woodcovered mountains of northern Sweden while the new stuff is just spacey techno
Doom said:
Best I've heard though are Drudkh and Uaral, which are both absolutely fantastic. Did anyone actually get a copy of he Uaral yet? I meant to order it, but never got round to it. Will do soon though!
Is it even a 'finished product' yet? Doomcifer - any clue?

I exchanged e-mails with the guy running the label down in Chile, but all he could offer me was a CD-R for review purposes. So I've not seen any update, but yes I want to buy this, and yes this is top 10 material.

However, if it's not officially out until 2005, then a 2005 release it will be.
really? that sucks. Red Stream had it for like two days before it sold out. I didn't get it because it was $15. I guess I shoulda bought it.
Red Stream was probably selling at cost. Because I think it would have to be an import. Candlelight is releasing it in the US. I'll probably get it for free, but I'll have to wait until next year.

If anybody can find the new Enslaved for $15 or less, let J. and I know!!!!!!!!
For instance, I know so many of you were ga-ga over "Chronozon", which I found to be total shit.
i don't hear this mentioned here anymore ... also everyone, beside me, pissed on seeing them live on the current tour so I don't think they had as much staying power as originally expected.
I think Choronzone is one of the best metal release in the last 5 years. It easily deserved #1 for 2003.

What was dissappointing about their live set? Watchmaker recently played a show with them in Boston, and Brian Livoti (vocals) told me they kicked ass.