I have stumbled upon the source of the When The Walls Go Down sample


Professional threadkiller
Sep 1, 2001
Nicosia, Cyprus
I have a christian friend on Facebook and he was just tagged on this video which showed up on my home page, so I casually opened it to check it out... The video starts and it's a sermon, but the voice sounds oddly familiar... Very soon I realise it is the very sermon that is sampled in When The Walls Go Down! The sermon is called "A Call To Anguish", by David Wilkerson. I'm not sure whether you'll be able to access this but here's the link to the Facebook video:


Maybe this is old news but last I heard about this was that nobody had any idea where the sample came from. Do I get a prize or something? :kickass:

EDIT: Here it is on youtube, this is a more complete version, not all the parts sampled in the song are in the above video.


That's part 1, follow that link through for the remaining parts of the sermon.
There is actually an old thread on this subject, so the price will not be yours this time =)

This is one of the answers from that thread:
The speaker on "The inner circle" is rev David Wilkerson, a real watchman. "When the walls go down" is from a preaching he had in 2002, A Call to Anguish. Visit his homepage.

If I remember correctly you can listen to the whole preach at once if you use that link.
Absolutely Amazing!

The real source of it!
I wish to meet this pastor...

"... for the love of God, the love of Christ..."
"... I can't get through this..."

Man, hearing the sermon, there are some parts that really chills me out! hehe
Really interesting thing man!
Good lord. Hearing it in its true context is mindblowing. Thanks for posting.

Yepp, it´s mindblowing (especially on the album), but when I first heard this sermon I felt cold chills running through my back. For me, it´s a brainwash and so far from my personal conception of the world. Ultra religious people like David Wilkerson really scares me.

But still, I´m extremely grateful that Evergrey made such an AMAZING song out of it.
Wilkerson is pretty crazy, apparently he keeps making these prophecies that don't come true, and claims that 9/11 was a gift from god to make America wake up and stop being naughty (he expounds on this theory in this very sermon). There's a rather funny tirade about The Sopranos as well. In any case, I applaud his passionate delivery!
I've been searching for these for so long!
Thank you very much!

...I am doing my own Italian version of When The Walls Go Down:)